Sharing my Transport Stream (TS) collection of One Piece Season 8: Water Seven Arc capped from BS Fuji. I missed recording episodes 232, 233, and 243, and since episode 244 had a map overlay on the entire episode due to severe weather that weekend, I included CS FujiTWO caps for episodes 232, 233, 243, and 244 for the sake of completion. The FujiTWO caps are awful quality in comparison to BS Fuji, but this is a consolation I had to make to have a complete set of HDTV recordings.
I hope to release collections of TS recorded off BS Fuji for all of the episodes that did not receive a full HD Blu Ray releases (episodes 207-574). Collections of Full HD streaming video rips have been made public already, but a few pixels of the screen is cropped on the sides, the aspect ratio is stretched slightly horizontally, and the overall picture quality looks significantly filtered. The caveat of these TS is the MPEG2 artifacting during high motion scenes. Take the pros with the cons… I still feel that these BS Fuji caps are the best overall quality available for these early FHD One Piece episodes.
Finally, I have a call to action - or more of a plea, really. I need help completing my One Piece TS collection. BS Fuji episodes 232, 233, 243, and 550 may be lost to time, but I have also been looking for CX or THK TS for episodes 879-1019.
Contact me on Discord at username optsdatabase
if you can help or know anyone who may be able to.
Thank you, and happy seeding!
その他、以上に英語で書いてありますが、BSフジのコレクションに穴が4つある(232, 233, 243, 550)ので、もしお持ちの方がいましたらご共有いただければ大変助かります。その他、フジテレビ及び東海テレビに放送された第879話~第1019話に録画できなかったのでもしお持ちの方がいましたら是非ご共有下さい!
Comments - 4
Yeah, those do look pretty awesome.
Personally would be very interested in 452-454 as the audio in all web-versions suck.
Thanks! Looking forward to episode 453 onward
For the record, the issue with a few pixels being cropped on the side is only present on the Japanese streams. The English streams don’t have that problem.