Encode of BDRemux
AV1 main profile 0 1920x804@10bit, crf 21
5.1ch Opus 128kbit (JP)
2.0ch Opus 96kbit (JP)
SRT from open subtitles... I think it was an edit of an MTL. I spent about 1-2 hours trying to clean them up. It's not perfect now, but aside from a few stilted lines it's decent.
ffmpeg -i [infile] -c:v libsvtav1 -crf 21 -preset 2 -svtav1-params tune=0:film-grain=35:film-grain-denoise=0:enable-overlays=1:scd=1:scm=2:enable-tf=1:lookahead=120:pin=0:lp=12 -g 1440 -vf "crop=1920:804:0:138,format=yuv420p10le" -acodec libopus -b:a:0 128k -b:a:1 96k -filter:a:0 "channelmap=channel_layout=5.1" -threads 12 [outfile]
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