I didn't find a proper transfer of this that wasn't xvid, or completely improperly done, so I did it myself.
DVD R1 (pretty bad, lots of artifacts, yes I checked other peoples' releases, I don't have R2 to check if that transfer was bad as well)
Video: AV1 10bit (aom 3.8.0-7f3058e master)
64kbit Opus JP
64kbit Opus EN
Subs: Official subripped SRT (I think ass's),Typofixed
video = core.tcomb.TComb(video, mode=2,fthreshl=7, fthreshc=7, othreshl=8, othreshc=8)
video = core.vivtc.VFM(video, order=1, mode=5)
video = core.eedi3m.EEDI3(video, field=1)
video = core.vivtc.VDecimate(video)
video = core.std.Crop(video,6,8,2,0)
video = core.fmtc.resample (video, css="444")
video = core.fmtc.bitdepth(video, bits=32)
video = core.fmtc.matrix(video,mat="601",col_fam=vs.RGB)
video = core.w2xnvk.Waifu2x(video, noise=1, scale=2, model=0, tile_size=180, precision=32)
video = core.fmtc.matrix(video,mat="601",col_fam=vs.YUV)
video = core.fmtc.resample (video, css="420")
video = core.resize.Spline64(video,width=720,height=540)
video = core.fmtc.bitdepth(video, bits=10)
ffmpeg -i [infile] -c:v libaom-av1 -crf 27 -cpu-used 3 -row-mt 0 -b:v 0 -auto-alt-ref 1 -an -strict -2 -pass 1 -f null /dev/null
ffmpeg -i [infile] -c:v libaom-av1 -crf 27 -cpu-used 3 -row-mt 0 -b:v 0 -auto-alt-ref 1 -an -strict -2 -pass 2 [outfile]
Comments - 3
2ndfire (uploader)