Dragon Ball Z - Fullscreen Movie Collection [SD] [HD] (Various Sources)

2024-01-05 14:25
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I was asked to share this set of DBZ movies in 4:3 so here it is, this is in a “WIP” state so it’s not intended to be viewed as it is unless you know the languages and its video quality as is.

What’s Included:

DB - Movie 1 (Zima) (Lat. Spa dub)
DB - Movie 2 (SD: Original FUNimation / HD: Zima) [SD Release by Pendekar] (EN/JP for SD rel. | Lat. Spa dub for HD rel.)
DB - Movie 3 (Zima) (Lat. Spa dub)
DB - Movie 4 (Zima) (Lat. Spa dub)

DBZ - Movie 01 (FUNimation) [Release by Team Mirolo w/French subs] (EN/JP audio)
DBZ - Movie 02 (FUNimation) [Release by Team Mirolo w/French subs] (EN/JP audio)
DBZ - Movie 03 (FUNimation) [Release by Team Mirolo w/French subs] (EN/JP audio)
DBZ - Movie 04 (FUNimation) [Release by Team Mirolo w/French subs] (EN/JP audio)
DBZ - Movie 05 (FUNimation) [Release by Team Mirolo w/French subs] (EN/JP audio + Lat. Spa dub)
DBZ - Movie 06 (FUNimation) [Release by Team Mirolo w/French subs] (EN/JP audio)
DBZ - Movie 07 (AB Video) (FR/JP audio)
DBZ - Movie 08 (AB Video) (FR/JP audio)
DBZ - Movie 09 (SD: AB Video / HD: Kineko) (FR/JP audio for SD rel. | EN/JP for the HD rel.)
DBZ - Movie 10 (AB Video) (FR/JP audio)
DBZ - Movie 11 (AB Video) (FR/JP audio)
DBZ - Movie 12 (Towers) (Lat. Spa dub / JPN audio)
DBZ - Movie 13 (FUNimation) [Release by Team Mirolo w/French subs] (EN/JP audio)

In addition to all that, I’ve also included the GT TV Special and the Netflix thumbnails for each movie (7-11 are already merged with the video file).

The Towers version of M12 looks honestly great so it’s a shame they didn’t also publish M13 (or did they? I dunno).


File list

Gracias por compartir, ¿es DVDRemux?

Por cierto, a parte de la película 12, las películas 11, 13 y el especial de TV de Dragon Ball GT de Towers Entertainment lo tengo, pertenecen al Master Cloverway distribuido en latinoamérica. Sería cuestión de conseguirme una laptop para poder compartirlo.

Impakt (uploader)


Yes, all are Remuxes. If it were encodes I wouldn’t have included (an exception for the GT Credit Roll).

You have 13? I’d be interested to see if it looks better than FUNi’s version, please.

And I’d be curious too about the GT TV Special since the video quality is overall low everywhere I’ve seen it, that includes the Dragon Box GT. :/

@Impakt, bueno… la verdad que tengo todo eso que has compartido, pero gracias por compartir bro.

Escríbeme a este correo bro: octaviosilva3948@gmail.com

Me dejas tu telegram o WhatsApp para enviarte los archivos.

Impakt (uploader)


No tengo Telegram, pero te voy a contactar vía email.

Un saludo.

@Impakt listo bro.

Impakt (uploader)


Thanks, Gale.

I’ve checked Towers version of M13 and sadly the PQ is rough, so unfortunately the “best” is still FUNi’s although some may prefer AB’s unremastered version (very slightly better, if that).

Impakt denada.

Creo que mejor fuente es la de Madman, por que está en progresivo, aunque creo que me gusta más la película 13 de De Agostini de Grecia (por sus colores sin saturar o editar) se ve que no le metieron mano, al igual que el máster Cloverway, que es un máster limpio. O creo que es el DVD Bonus de Kazé, no recuerdo.

Thanks for these, so these are the ones to grab if I want best quality full screen DBZ movies? Wish funi released all movies HD remastered blu-ray like they remastered DBZ 30th anniversary.

Impakt (uploader)


Yes, Ryuzaki. I’ve tried finding a better source for M13, but no luck (unless you count Madman’s release I personally prefer FUNi’s as it is NTSC than PAL).

I have gone through the Towers’ DVDs Gale sent me, DBZ 11-13 + GT TV Special and the only good one is M12 (somehow this looks like the Dragon Box the Movies version in 4:3!), the rest all look pretty bad (I’ll upload it later at some point).

IMO the following torrent contains the best sources (JP audio only though):


Probably some of the sources in this new torrent were obtained from there, or have the same origin. I still think the link I posted is the definitive version to get, unless Toei releases a remastered fullscreen version, but that will never happen…

Impakt (uploader)


Not quite definitive as that uses the inferior version for M12 and for M13 it’s subjective if one prefers the NTSC or PAL conversion of M13 (even though they made it progressive).

It’s a WIP so whoever wants it will have to make changes to improve it overall.

Impakt (uploader)


Must note, M12’s Towers version has the OP/ED in Spanish so the FUNimation version needs to be used and merged with it, etc. Hopefully someone makes a definitive release of the movies in 4:3.

This is all encode or remux?

Impakt (uploader)



The only encode is the GT Roll Credits (VHS).

Someone please match lut of https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/dvd_afaddis/DBZTree_3.jpg to this torrent’s tree of might (if it works)

Hace un tiempo le hice un DVD Remux al DVDISO de la película 13 de Dragon Ball Z de Madman y le corregí los fps al DVD Remux (Sigue siendo Remux, esta en progresivo) quedó así como este ejemplo que subió una persona a Youtube https://youtu.be/-lI09H2Qnbg?si=q0Hsr9Wd6mifBSkT

Posdata: Es más, estoy seguro que es mi material, ya que recuerdo haber compartido el Remux con un pequeño grupo de personas.

how nice if there were french FS remastered DVDs or even BDs with JP audio and original JPN footage including title cards, credits etc for all the movies