[MTBB] Hyouka (BD 1080p)

2023-12-11 19:22 UTC
File size:
37.1 GiB
Info hash:
[Hyouka](https://myanimelist.net/anime/12189/Hyouka) **Translation**: gg (01-06), Commie (07-22), Mazui (OVA) **Typesetting**: Commie (01-22), Mazui (OVA) **Timing**: kattara (01-06), Commie (07-21), motbob (22) **Songs**: Kaylith (OP1), Commie (OP2, ED2), Mazui (ED1) There are alternate honorifics tracks in this release. Set your media player to play "enm" language tracks by default to automatically play honorifics tracks. Scripts/TS were made consistent with each other. [Video quality comparisons](https://slow.pics/c/g6DT0B2Q) Please leave feedback in the comments, good or bad. Please read this short [playback guide](https://gist.github.com/motbob/754c24d5cd381334bb64b93581781a81) if you want to know how to make the video and subtitles of this release look better. All components of this release are released into the public domain to the [greatest extent possible](https://gist.github.com/motbob/9a85edadca33c7b8a3bb4de23396d510).

File list

  • [MTBB] Hyouka (BD 1080p)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 01v2 (BD 1080p) [3718BABC].mkv (1.8 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 02 (BD 1080p) [42B334F4].mkv (1.5 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 03 (BD 1080p) [1D5C89CA].mkv (1.6 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 04 (BD 1080p) [0D6F689F].mkv (2.0 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 05 (BD 1080p) [49929D79].mkv (1.6 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 06 (BD 1080p) [15DE02BC].mkv (1.3 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 07 (BD 1080p) [5D12F17E].mkv (1.5 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 08 (BD 1080p) [A1A985B0].mkv (2.8 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 09 (BD 1080p) [71F8E114].mkv (1.5 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 10 (BD 1080p) [25C3C509].mkv (1.6 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 11 (BD 1080p) [0483B9EA].mkv (1.6 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 11.5 (OVA) (BD 1080p) [9199C7FF].mkv (1.3 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 12 (BD 1080p) [5214D3C5].mkv (1.4 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 13 (BD 1080p) [6C079751].mkv (1.3 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 14 (BD 1080p) [3093C990].mkv (1.4 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 15 (BD 1080p) [6468F1ED].mkv (1.5 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 16 (BD 1080p) [E413118F].mkv (1.2 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 17 (BD 1080p) [3D809ACD].mkv (1.4 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 18 (BD 1080p) [5BB6A86C].mkv (1.7 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 19 (BD 1080p) [6CDF797C].mkv (1.8 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 20 (BD 1080p) [445EBBF2].mkv (1.9 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 21 (BD 1080p) [22964C5E].mkv (1.9 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Hyouka - 22 (BD 1080p) [B83D1A1F].mkv (1.4 GiB)
Many thanks for this one, Mr. Bob
*_appreciation_ ![](https://i0.wp.com/i.postimg.cc/kXbpqPD2/300.gif?ssl=1)
*appreciation ![](https://i0.wp.com/i.postimg.cc/kXbpqPD2/300.gif?ssl=1)
Is there any chance to made it this method mandatory for every releaser? Such as 'ens' for signs and songs, keeping 'eng' only for full dialogue.Your 'invention' with 'enm' are warmly welcomed.
>Such as ‘ens’ for signs and songs dual-audio works with Forced flag, configure your player correctly instead
Bob didn't invent 'enm' for honorifics. It was underwater who did it first way back in the day.
bob invented anime
*appreciation ![](https://i0.wp.com/i.postimg.cc/kXbpqPD2/300.gif?ssl=1)
**appreciation (in HD)* ![](https://i.postimg.cc/B6VRkwby/hyouka.gif)
*appreciation ![seadex_approved_gif](https://files.catbox.moe/ryw4cw.gif)
Thank you senior bobby
**appreciation* ![](https://i0.wp.com/media.tenor.com/U70Ai2wRJwoAAAAC/mario.gif?ssl=1)
Configure my player? Are you joking? Mpc can recognize only the country id, no such option as disable or ignore default or forced fracks. Mpv does not recognize the secondary tags, such as signs. No way to configure the mpv when there are not commands exist to ignore or override the flags. If you are really experienced with mediaplayer settings, could you share your wisdom with us, poor users, or just shut up your mouth, before made yourself bigger stupd than a current one?

motbob (uploader)

If your player doesn't automatically play forced tracks when appropriate, you need to download a different player or update the one you have. If a player does not play a forced english sub track when english audio is selected, the player is not following the mkv spec and is broken. When I set english as my preferred audio language, mpv selects the corresponding forced track (Signs & Songs). When I set my preferred audio language to jpn, mpv selects the full subs. I don't have to config mpv in any way other than setting the audio language I prefer. Fansubbers already tried using a specific language tag to designate signs & songs. That was somewhat of a mess. It is easier for everyone to follow the mkv spec and use the Forced tag for its intended purpose.
@motbob for some reason i threw away the mpc-hc, i use simultaneously mpc-be and mpv, the latest versions, i have vlc too. mpv and vlc enables you forcibly selects any tracks by number, but it works only with dual audio files. If you select the #2 subtrack, but there are only 1, it means you disabled the subs. What you did, it helps any user to play any video with the preferred subs.To avoid playing the default, or just the first track with same tags i need to edit all files to rewrite the flags. Over a thousand anime it is a bit hassle. Try to imagine the Fairy tail..... how many days it took? Applying your method, just changing one letter, everybody can see the desired result Forced and default flags are defaulr settings, just can not ignore when you want tu use the second or third subtrack whics both marked as Eng.
I have no idea what you just said, but [this](https://github.com/po5/trackselect) should help the average person navigate the sea of bad tagging over the years.
Damn it's actually real @martinxk Changing that letter would break it for more people, just configure your shit correctly instead of trying to headcraft a new way
@hchcsen O.k, just write here a working cofig settings for mpv or mpc-be for always choosing the dialogues track, ignoring the defaults. I will wait. On the language preferences, you can set the desired order, changing one letter means if you do the same the player choose a right one, if not present, the player choose tne next option, bit if all has the same tags, the player choose the default or the first track in line.It is so painful to change one letter? I need to edit a few thousand files for this one fucking letter. @Simplistic I haven't seen this option, i will try it, thanks for the help (on the mpv website there are a json script, but i can't use it Somehow the latest java does not want to be installed on my computer, older versions are inaccessable. This script for audio tracks, aid-jpn works.Anyway thank you i will se what can i do with this script
love this show, thanks for the release!
Not forgotten, based thanks
I guess I should finally finish this after watching half of it like 8 years ago... Thanks bob.
**appreciation* ![](https://i0.wp.com/i.postimg.cc/kXbpqPD2/300.gif?ssl=1)
**appreciation* ![Eru-Ibara-300](https://i.postimg.cc/kXbpqPD2/300.gif)
THANKS ![](https://i2.wp.com/i.postimg.cc/B6VRkwby/hyouka.gif?ssl=1)
*_appreciation_ ![](https://i0.wp.com/i.postimg.cc/kXbpqPD2/300.gif?ssl=1)
*appreciation ![](https://i2.wp.com/i.postimg.cc/B6VRkwby/hyouka.gif?ssl=1)
_**appreciation**_ ![alt text](https://i2.wp.com/i.postimg.cc/B6VRkwby/hyouka.gif "Logo Title Text 1")
omfg i'm so happy
Wow, thanks! Was worth the wait.
One of the best anime of all time. Need to rewatch. Many thanks. Love you.