This is a new translation for a radio drama for the series written by Inoue and starring the entire main cast (including Kuroiwa laughs) with their actors reprising their roles. We found out about it and got the RAW from Bunny Hat posting the copy of it included on the Changerion DVD set, and from there ERankedLuck translated it freshly for this release. The terminology has been done with the Big Nova translation of Changerion in mind, and uses their translation of some stock dialogue from the show. Enjoy!
The video (well, still image from the DVD) is hardsubbed 8-bit H.264 with AAC audio, with a separate softsubbed 10-bit H.264 version available as another torrent.
There is a secondary SDH subtitle track available only in the softsubbed version.
Thanks to ERankedLuck, Bunny Hat, and Big Nova for their material used in the release!
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