Seems like a better release in terms of subs, at least they are not desync’d here, and excessive unnecessary CC shit seems to be removed at last. But overall they are still bad/not-really-watchable, like e.g. the phrases are pretty often divided in a weird fucked up way which doesn’t even match with who’s talking onscreen (shows correct dialogue like 10 seconds later lmao). Hope we can see a proper release of this sometime soon.
Comments - 6
Cool. Thanks! :D
Where is Nanatsu no Taizai: Mokushiroku no Yonkishi Episode 4?
Seems like a better release in terms of subs, at least they are not desync’d here, and excessive unnecessary CC shit seems to be removed at last. But overall they are still bad/not-really-watchable, like e.g. the phrases are pretty often divided in a weird fucked up way which doesn’t even match with who’s talking onscreen (shows correct dialogue like 10 seconds later lmao). Hope we can see a proper release of this sometime soon.
English subtitles are completely fucked up - don’t get this release it you plan on watching the japanese audio with english subtitles.
would it be possible to upload alternative and progressive hbo rips with all the subs and audio?
@varyg1001 Thanks Bro, hey, can you upload Alternative and Progressive with the same Audios and Subs? pleaaase