Video: Disney+
Audio: U-NEXT (5.1 Dolby Atmos E-AC-3) & Amazon Prime (2.0 E-AC-3)
Subtitles: SubsPlus+ (Modified HIDIVE) [English] & Disney+ [Japanese]
Read this and this mpv guide in case of any playback issues, and this if you want to have the best possible viewing experience.
I highly recommend turning deband on and using an upscaling method like ravu or nnedi3 for this show.
Add this to your “mpv.conf”, if your device does support Dolby Atmos playback:
[Dark Gathering]
profile-cond=get("filename", ""):match("Elainaya") ~= nil and get("filename", ""):match("Dark Gathering") ~= nil
Many thanks to everyone who made this release possible.
The sources are airing late, so expect a Friday/Saturday release. Maybe later if I’m not home.
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