[Nemuri] OxoNano *菜乃 & Niconico Artists (DropsTone Label) (2015-2018) Discography / Collection [11 CDs] [FLAC]
Every of my torrent comes from original CDs that I have bought or that my friends lent me. As for the ones that are only digitally released, you’ll find them cataloged exactly like the ones I purchased physically. If you check my torrents and you don’t find an artist or anime you are looking for, it means that nether I or my friends currently have those CDs; for this reason I don’t create discographies on commission, I’m sorry. If you find any errors or oversights, please let me know; they will be corrected at the next torrent’s update. Thank you for your collaboration.
Ver. [2023.10.23]
- RESEED and fixed some typos and inaccuracies from the latest version of this torrent (2020). Your contribution in this respect was very important. Thank you.
— ABOUT *菜乃 —
- This collection includes songs published on CD by*菜乃 OxoNano and the artists who collaborated with her. Normally, NicoNico artists release their songs online or print personally some copies of their works on CD only for Comiket. Some albums, however, have been released by record companies, and some of these I have bought in Tokyo in recent years (today it is very difficult to buy them online because they are out of print). For example, Next Stage for New world, Symphonic Girls Festa and Sweet*Clover come from the DropsTone record company, which unfortunately went bankrupt in 2019.
- 空想プラネタリウム could only be bought at C92 (Comiket 2017) and 夢想ポップスター only be bought at C93 (Comiket 2018) and unfortunately, to date, l found them only in mp3 format. For all those other songs of*菜乃 that weren’t never printed on CD, I invite you to follow her Twitter page: https://twitter.com/oxonano which explains to you where you can listen / download her works online.
- *菜乃 quit the music business shortly after the release of her album 夢想ポップスター (2018).
NOTE: In the comments section of each file I wrote “Ripped by Nemuri & Menelkir” because all of the collections I upload are created together with Menelkir (which was also the name of our old NYAA account before the site suddenly closed in 2017). Even today you can find here some torrents signed [Menelkir]; however, those torrents are managed by NYAA itself, and are obsolete versions without seeds. If you want to contact me: nemuri.nyaa@gmail.com
Comments - 2
From folder [2017.08.11]*菜乃|空想プラネタリウム [iTunes]
tracks 1,2,5,6 are corrupted
Nemuri (uploader)
I tried downloading the torrent from another PC and there are no corrupt files. I recommend you delete and download them again.