As you may have heard it (or not), VIZ is actually doing an official translation!
It’s already available on Pluto TV (US VPN required, ~5 days delay) and should be available on Crunchyroll very soon. (hopefully)
Thanks for all the great feedback on our episode 1 release but that’s it for us!
CaptainTsubasaFansub Team
Captain Tsubasa - Junior Youth Arc
Translation: burcu
Translation check: Aria
Editing: nothingxs
Timing: Touji
Encoding: Crunchyroll
QC: anon
Special thanks: VIZ (they now do official subs, read explanation above!)
Feel free to comment any improvements for subtitles in comments or on our Discord.
If you encounter any playback issues, please make sure you are using the most recent version of mpv.
Comments - 3
Thank you
Thanks! also keep them coming!!! 😉