Here we have that other Harry with English softsubs.
The source is the Bowling Ball Fansubs version:
I used the Shin-New subs and added OP/ED from Shinsen-Subs. Maybe this is now the best of all available things, who knows.
As usually the subs only are here:
Comments - 3
I’ve been aware since our release (december 2012 iirc) that episode 1 had problems, but I never figured out the cause. I only managed to verify that the episode runs fine on MPC-HC, but not on VLC. Good to know that Handbrake solves the issue.
instable200 (uploader)
As we sadly notice day by day, no one is perfect. The setting I applied to EP1 removed the Italian subtitle track. I added the ITA subs track for EP1 to the mega folder.
I just hope the day I’ll do a new encode from R2J DVDISOs, should I ever decide to do it (back in the day I used the HK bootleg), the same issue won’t show up again :)