花物語~完全版オーディオブック (HANAMONOGATARI: Flower Tale - Unabridged Japanese Audiobook)

2023-10-01 01:16 UTC
File size:
608.3 MiB
Info hash:
![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/9kEUA6v.png "花物語") “薬になれなきゃ毒になれ。でなきゃあんたはただの水だ”阿良々木暦(あららぎこよみ)の卒業後、高校三年生に進級した神原駿河(かんばるするが)。直江津(なおえつ)高校にひとり残された彼女の耳に届いたのは、“願いを必ず叶えてくれる『悪魔様』”の噂だった……。<物語>は、少しずつ深みへと堕ちていく――これぞ現代の怪異! 怪異! 怪異!<物語>シリーズ第10巻 [ここ](https://nyaa.si/view/1493236)から本をダウンロードするか、[講談社](https://bookclub.kodansha.co.jp/product?item=0000208885)から購入できます。 著者: 西尾 維新 題名: 花物語 再生時間: 09 時間 28 分 ナレーター: 堀江 由衣 シリーズ: 物語 完全版 オーディオブック 配信日: 2021/11/19 制作: Audible Studios 著作権: ©Illustration/VOFAN ©西尾維新/講談社西尾 維新;(P\)2021 Audible, Inc. サンプルレート: 44100 Hz ビットレート: 127 kb/s --- Our sorry hero, his reformed girlfriend, and the amnesiac class president have all graduated from their high school out in the boondocks, and self-described Sapphist and ex-basketball ace Kanbaru, retired by reason of an “injury,” is starting her senior year and the narrator of this volume—her voice far more introspective than the smutty jock’s we thought we knew. Bereft of the company of her beloved mentors, the only other person around her with any working knowledge of aberrations the junior Ogi Oshino, apparently a relative of the Hawaiian-shirted folklorist, she feels a bit alone and blue, and sick with dread that the devil residing in her left arm courtesy of the Monkey’s Paw might act up again while she sleeps. Investigating a rumor that she fears might lead back to her, the former star ends up peering into an abyss of negativity called Roka—a “wax flower” to take the characters’ meaning. Trapped in a pit the like of which could only be escaped by the one girl who was able to pull off slam-dunks in her basketball nationals, can the penitent Kanbaru, however, still be aggressive? **Please note this is the Japanese language audiobook. There is not currently an English audiobook. The written version is available from [Kodansha](https://kodansha.us/product/hanamonogatari).** Author: NISIOISIN Title: HANAMONOGATARI: Flower Tale Duration: 09:28:29 Narrator: Yui Horie Genre: Audiobook Publishing year: 2021 Publisher: Audible Studios Copyright: ©Illustration/VOFAN ©西尾維新/講談社西尾 維新;(P\)2021 Audible, Inc. Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Bit rate: 127 kb/s --- #### 物語オーディオブック - Monogatari Audiobooks * [化物語 - BAKEMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1708858) * [傷物語 - KIZUMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1712096) * [偽物語 - NISEMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1715240) * [猫物語 - NEKOMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1717985) * [傾物語 - KABUKIMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1720700) * [花物語 - HANAMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1723212) * [囮物語 - OTORIMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1726115) * [鬼物語 - ONIMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1729323) * [恋物語 - KOIMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1732474) * [憑物語 - TSUKIMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1735676) * [暦物語 - KOYOMIMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1738739) * [終物語 - OWARIMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1741909) * [愚物語 - OROKAMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1744841) * [業物語 - WAZAMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1747703) * [撫物語 - NADEMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1750714) * [結物語 - MUSUBIMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1753787) * [忍物語 - SHINOBUMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1756558) * [宵物語 - YOIMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1759512) * [余物語 - AMARIMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1761566) * [扇物語 - OUGIMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1763537) * [死物語 - SHINOMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1766070) * [戦物語 - IKUSAMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1768746)

File list

  • 花物語~完全版オーディオブック
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    • 第変話 するがデビル 024・7.m4a (7.6 MiB)
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    • 第変話 するがデビル 032・3.m4a (7.7 MiB)
    • 花物語.m3u8 (9.2 KiB)
    • 花物語.png (1012.0 KiB)
    • 花物語.txt (2.3 KiB)