[DmonHiro] Mask Of Zeguy (DVD Remux - Japanese audio)

2023-08-05 17:09
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3.0 GiB
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Japanese audio only. Subs and video from R1 DVD. Literally made only to spite one guy.
Reasons to get this version instead:

  1. Same video quality.
  2. Original Japanese audio.
  3. Same subtitles.
  4. Split into parts.

File list

Thanks for the Japanese audio!

DmonHiro (uploader)


My pleasure. Removing the voices of Yamadera Kouichi (Beerus, Zenigata) and Yokoyama Chisa (Sasami, Sakura) should be a crime.

i miss you have ass files for recent bds

DmonHiro (uploader)


Well, these are VobSubs. There’s no point in them being external.

zrdb seething right now

Best thing to say is to each their own. And yes-anybody is free to do whatever they want with uploaded content. This is a pirate site after all.

DmonHiro (uploader)


Ahaha… he deleted it.

DmonHiro (uploader)


For those who missed the drama, an “anonymous” user uploaded a DVD remux of this show, but with English audio only (https://nyaa.si/view/1700865). He then wrote “If you want Japanese audio, go find the DVD yourself, if you can”. So I did just that, in under 45 minutes. He then deleted his own torrent. Too bad I didn’t keep pictures. Maybe next time. The lesson here is: don’t upload English audio only and expect not to be mocked.

i wish we could do the same with japanese commentary tracks with all the sneed muxes

Suck my dick faggot.

DmonHiro (uploader)


We waited all that time for such a lame comeback? Was that the best you could do? And I can’t suck your dick faggot. I don’t know what that is. Did you perhaps mean to write “suck my dick, faggot”? If so, you should try using a comma. I’m sure you’ve seen them before. They’re used when you want to separate two nouns. Now you even learned something new.

Sorry, should have said “Suck my dick-faggot”.

DmonHiro (uploader)


NO! You use a COMMA. Do you even English, bro?
Unless you’re using the “-” as a signature, in which case it’s YOU who is the faggot. That basically means “Suck my dick. Signed, faggot”.

Shrug. And it should have been “Do you even KNOW english, bro?” And I don’t capitalize nationalities.