“Cute girls doing cute things in cute ways.”
My personal release for all 9 (as of now) scanlated volumes of Ichigo Mashimaro by Barasui, worked on by numerous people/groups over its slow-but-ongoing 20+ year (!) serialization: Akatsuki Manga, Lolilicious Scans, Marshmallow Scans, Golden Roze Scans, Ralen (most notably), and lowercase e (me). The manga was formerly licensed by Tokyopop, who published five volumes in English before dropping it in 2008.
Volumes 1–6 & the first half of vol. 8 use pages from the tankōbons; the rest are magazine scans. (I’ve included end-of-chapter pages from tank raws to help separate chapters where mag scans are used.) Mix of physical and digital sources, including some personal scans. Should be the highest quality available.
For the corresponding raws, see here: https://nyaa.si/view/1699926
The ‘Extras’ folder comprises a large collection of IM-adjacent work, much of it rare or not easily available, including:
For updates on when/if more chapters are published, the Japanese atwiki site is a good resource: https://w.atwiki.jp/mashimaro_wiki/
(Had to delete & re-make this because some torrent clients apparently don’t like periods at the end of folder names.)
Cute is justice.
Additional Extras: (aka things I forgot to include in the torrent)
Comments - 5
DDLs: volumes, extras (pw: mDgr46wPtJD1xFSjV2qv)
eli (uploader)
@hozjiwpoo4jt221 thanks! i also just finished uploading it to mega and was going to link it in the description, but you beat me, haha. if ever goes down, feel free to drop a comment and i can post a new link
eli (uploader)
also, there are a few scans missing from the ‘CD Artwork’ folder but you can find all of those here: https://nyaa.si/view/1026482
eli (uploader)
There are some “additional extras” – with a few things I forgot to include in the torrent or have since updated – now linked at the end of the description. I’ll continue to add things here as needed going forward. Since I won’t actually update this release until another tank comes out (and who knows how many years that’ll take… if ever?) I figured this’d be the best way. Comment here or ping me elsewhere if the links ever go down.