Batch with a few minor touch-ups to select episodes. Saving typesetting changes for BDs when those happen in a few months.
That’s my’all, folks! (I might pick unlicensed something up this season but I don’t know for sure. Check back on the blog in a few days.)
Raw Source: Amazon Anime Times CBR
Translation: HIDIVE/Official (uncredited…)
Translation Check / Typesetting / Song Translation: Seigyoku
Timing: LafferStyle (01, 03, 05-06, 08), Seigyoku (02, 04, 07, 09-12)
Editing (exc. 06), the cat pun earlier in the description: Rowan
Song Translation Check: Neon
Song Styling: SHSL_Ezra
Discord for updates & public QC (no narcs pls):
Visit GitHub for up-to-date files:
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