Niggews, as uwu may ow may nowt know i dont weawwy cawe im going tuwu teww uwu pedophiwe weebs wegawdwess, in the mid 2000s whewn adv hewped hawmony gowd wemastew the sewies they did a new 5.1 sound mix awnd we insewted sowme of the mowe wisque scenes wike minmay’s ass thawt didnt need new diawog wecowded but juwst extended music. As such the owiginaw bwoadcast audio fwom the wegacy set dvds wiww nowt sync with iwt without spwitting up the audio awnd insewting the new backgwound music. Which iws exactwy whawt i did. awso the owiginaw audio went in awnd out of sync even own the owiginaw bwoadcast mastews, good job 1980’s audio mixews. I didnt weawwy mess with thawt because iwt was the awtistic intent doncha know. so the owiginaw mono twack hewe wiww awso gow in awnd out of sync. if uwu dont wike iwt stowp being awive awnd kiww youwsewf :) ow at weast mutiwate youw genitaws since its pwide month awnd we have tuwu be divewse.
video souwce: wobotech bwuway compwete cowwection
audio souwces: wobotech wegacy cowwection awnd the 5.1 ac3 cowe fwom the bwuway so uwu cawn expewience both mixes
stay fwesh cheese-bawags
Comments - 8
U swould gwuet the fwiring sqwuat
wuwut the fuck
Post the fucking BDMVs dude, not encodes.
PeePeePooPoo69 (uploader)
It’s not an encode. It’s the bdmv video with other audio stapled on. So it’s even better
Thanks, always appreciate your uploads