[MTBB] Beyond the Boundary (BD 1080p) | Kyoukai no Kanata

2023-05-20 13:11
File size:
21.7 GiB
Info hash:

UTW subs (via denpa (via SBR (via CyC (via Vanilla)))) for episodes 01-12, with QC and additional TS by me.

For the episode 0 OVA, I timed and edited Sentai’s translation (including editing it to be consistent with UTW) and took TS from Vanilla, which itself took it from… SBR/eru?

Video quality comparisons

File list

  • [MTBB] Kyoukai no Kanata (BD 1080p)
    • [MTBB] Kyoukai no Kanata - 01 [1C23619E].mkv (1.3 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Kyoukai no Kanata - 02 [A3BC829A].mkv (1.5 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Kyoukai no Kanata - 03 [F1616D1D].mkv (1.6 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Kyoukai no Kanata - 04 [3D9F1E66].mkv (2.1 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Kyoukai no Kanata - 05 [E72091FA].mkv (1.5 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Kyoukai no Kanata - 06 [F8A7A5E0].mkv (1.4 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Kyoukai no Kanata - 07 [F76E6162].mkv (1.6 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Kyoukai no Kanata - 08 [2CBA5942].mkv (1.7 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Kyoukai no Kanata - 09 [31F0D1BE].mkv (2.2 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Kyoukai no Kanata - 10 [8D039BD9].mkv (1.6 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Kyoukai no Kanata - 11 [36A23413].mkv (1.7 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Kyoukai no Kanata - 12 [DD73A5E5].mkv (1.7 GiB)
    • [MTBB] Kyoukai no Kanata - OVA [87A032F6].mkv (1.8 GiB)

I can finally delete my denpa release.

why waste so much work on actual garbage shows. Almost nothing kyoanus ever released has anything of value, except nichijou.

motbob (uploader)


why waste so much work on actual garbage shows. Almost nothing kyoanus ever releases has anything of value, except nichijou.

Shut the fuck up, please. As if someone who doesn’t produce anything gets to tell productive people what they should be spending their effort on.

why waste so much work on actual garbage shows. Almost nothing kyoanus ever releases has anything of value, except free.

One of the most underrated KyoAni works I have ever watched. I love it!

Thanks herkz for defending CuteBoysDoingCuteThings :)

When Kuzu no Honkai

Wasting time on garbage shows doesn’t mean you’re doing anything productive. In fact, you’re polluting the fansubbing scene with good releases for terrible anime, miseducating the masses with trash shows. You’re probably doing a disservice.

I’ll throw a bone at herkz, Free is also good if you’re gay.

why waste so much work on actual garbage shows. Almost nothing kyoanus ever releases has anything of value.

also wow why would you replace my ts. you better not have touched my timing

Wasting time on garbage shows doesn’t mean you’re doing anything productive.

Ah, the self-proclaimed guardian of taste and arbiter of productivity. Your insightful commentary is truly a treasure to behold. Keep enlightening us with your infinite wisdom!

thanks for putting so much work in some of the most amazing shows. Almost everything kyoani ever releases is timeless and has immense value, except lucky star.

Anyways thanks for the release!

What did you just say about muh Out of Touch Thursdays.


ᵐᵒᵛᶦᵉ ʷʰᵉⁿˀ

TIL that if you want to watch shows that some people consider garbage you should do so with ‘garbage releases’, for the sake of the cleanliness of the fansubbing scene

anyway, thanks, motbob

why waste so much work on actual garbage shows. Almost nothing kyoanus ever releases has anything of value, except Nyoron! Churuya-san

I really wish bob would save the season 2 of K-ON! since he’s doing all these Kyoani shows.
The thing still doesn’t have a single watchable release more than a decade later.



you’re polluting the fansubbing scene with good releases

Top-tier logic, right here.

thanks bob, very cool 😎👍

I really wish bob would save the season 2 of K-ON! since he’s doing all these Kyoani shows.

Some-Stuffs is already doing that though

Interruptor still on the anti grind after being banned from Sir Motbob’s discord server

Some-Stuffs is already doing that though

they haven’t even saved S1 yet

Some-Stuffs is already doing that though

That project is as dead as it gets without being officially dropped.
Might as well keep waiting for THORA to come back and finish season 2


i hope you start for working in Hibike next

when will YuMi finish subbing season 1

motbob (uploader)


Moelancholy is encoding k-on

Movies and specials coming?

motbob (uploader)


The second movie is all I am planning on doing.

just another day of interruptor being too based for nyaa users to process

Someone make another release of this using UTW subs (via denpa (via SBR (via CyC (via Vanilla(via MTBB)))))

That project is as dead as it gets without being officially dropped.

We’re stalled at encoding and typesetting for season 1, the actual script is mostly good to go save for needing RC. Season 2 and the movie (and most of the Ura-On episodes) have less finalized editing, but I’ll get back on them once there’s progress on season 1.

Based. Thank you for the effort, Toa-sama. I hope it gets unstalled soon enough.