A Corporate Slave is Suddenly Isekai'd to a Better Company 001-005 {2023} {Digital} {Oak}

2023-04-25 14:42 UTC
File size:
124.6 MiB
Info hash:
Grabbed the first 5 free chapters from [Bookwalker Global](https://global.bookwalker.jp/series/410595/?adpcnt=7qM_Snst) to check it out the series. Denoised (waifu2x-caffe) and lossless optimized (Pingo) 760x1000 **PNG** images. **Note: This is a longstrip/webtoon version by TATESC and is thus different than the manga.** *And yes, webtoon does not mean manhua or vice-versa...* I didn't include TATESC or webtoon in the filename as there is no official translation of the manga to have the need to differentiate between the two. ---- Page 1 of chapter 2 had a small tear at the end. For those that would care I have a fixed version as DDL or simply the corrected page that you can use to replace with. DDL: https://mega.nz/folder/Gq4EwA7K#JL47c33BjXn3AZnkG9JNnQ Edit; the DDL also includes a cover for libraries. ~~I took a low-res chapter 1 cover, upscaled a bit~~, I removed the 'chapter 1' text and manually cleaned the background a bit that still had quite some artifacts.

File list

  • A Corporate Slave is Suddenly Isekai'd to a Better Company (Digital) (Oak)
    • A Corporate Slave is Suddenly Isekai'd to a Better Company c001 (2023) (Digital) (Oak).cbz (25.2 MiB)
    • A Corporate Slave is Suddenly Isekai'd to a Better Company c002 (2023) (Digital) (Oak).cbz (28.6 MiB)
    • A Corporate Slave is Suddenly Isekai'd to a Better Company c003 (2023) (Digital) (Oak).cbz (24.7 MiB)
    • A Corporate Slave is Suddenly Isekai'd to a Better Company c004 (2023) (Digital) (Oak).cbz (21.6 MiB)
    • A Corporate Slave is Suddenly Isekai'd to a Better Company c005 (2023) (Digital) (Oak).cbz (24.5 MiB)