[Nemuri] Ōsaki Chiyo 桜咲千依 (2015) Discography / Collection [1 CD] [FLAC]

2023-04-12 07:10 UTC
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164.3 MiB
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[Nemuri] Ōsaki Chiyo 桜咲千依 (2015) Discography / Collection [1 CD] [FLAC] ***Every of my torrent comes from original CDs that I have bought (or that my friends lent me). If you check my torrents and you don’t find an artist or anime you are looking for, it means that nether I or my friends have those CDs. I don’t create discographies on commission, I’m sorry. If you find any other errors or oversights, please let me know. They will be corrected at the next torrent’s update. Thank you for your collaboration.*** Ver. [2023.04.12] - [2015.02.11] 桜咲千依|ナナイロ。 --- ***why only one album in all these years?*** --- It often happens that the seiyuus do not have their own solo musical career, but only record songs for anime. In some cases, however, some seiyuus record only one personal album or mini album to thank fans for their constant support. NOTE: in the “comments” section I wrote “Ripped by Nemuri & Menelkir” because all of the collections I upload are created together with Menelkir (which was also the name of our old NYAA account before the site suddenly closed, when it was still called “nyaa·se”). Even today you can find on the site some torrents signed [Menelkir]; however, those torrents are managed by the site itself, and are obsolete versions without seeds. If you want to contact me: nemuri.nyaa@gmail.com

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