![CMC005](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhvN2z9XoCGntn3nwwLDv5g5sdJxk57VbHj38Qdpm7o5CFkZWhcsg5YdkHR0HOwFQQ6GihbSGq0_di0x3jiDSdY8eeEFMgeDhLPktAyAie4ezlK-rqgsz-4363zRuEhHqR2J-S4ijnCT8mzQ1w2yVm1Kq5RZjI9VGv9FcmKnrGB6K0PVRJqLknP_DFN/w400-h300/%5BMaruChanSubs%5D%20Chibi%20Maruko-chan%20(1990)%20005%20(1080p).mkv_20230227_225258.267.jpg "CMC005")
**Episode 5: Maru-chan Gets a Certificate!/Maru-chan Catches a Cold!**
**Original Airdate: February 4th, 1990**
Maruko is thrilled to be getting a certificate for her submission to an art contest, but complications arise by the time she has to actually go on stage. Then, Maruko's hubris gets the better of her when she's allowed to stay home from school after she catches a cold.
The 480p episodes for 1-30 were released a long time ago. As such I won't start re-releasing 480p episodes again of the old stuff until I reach Episode 31. You can find the first batch here: https://nyaa.si/view/935434
Don't worry, though, all the brand new episodes I'm finishing are released in both 480p and 1080p.
Comments - 4
MaruChanSubs (uploader)