Hello pedophiles aka furries how are you today? I am doing good because its another day that I am not dating a single mom so I cant complain about that. Anyway I have some shit on my hard drive I need to get rid of but before I do I figured it would be polite to throw it out here in case anyone wanted it. Just some raw vhs caps of dubbed anime, I hope you enjoy it. Or dont, its not my business I cant tell you what to do until I take over the office of president of the united states and nuke all the heathen countries that wont obey me off the face of the earth.
Ima go eat some chicken now. Remember, niggles, trans rights are human rights.
Comments - 3
thank you cumfart. what’s the UYTape?
urusei yatsura i’m guessing
PeePeePooPoo69 (uploader)
that is correct.