Japanese Audio:
English Audio:
Full Dialogue Subtitles:
Signs, Songs ,and Foreign Language: Same as Full Dialogue but edited to only include signs, subs and non-english, non-japanese lines.
NOTE: Running the audio delay to get the English Dub synched up still left a bit of the production intro music at the beginning of the track, so had to reencode the audio to edit that out, otherwise it would have been kept original.
Comments - 6
You actually don’t need to do that
Source: i synced it up for a local only rip without needing to do that
Weird, when I did it there was still a 1sec snippet of the production intro that I could still hear. :-( Figured it wouldn’t be a big deal to just use ffmpeg to silence the first second, but wasn’t sure how to do it without reencoding the audio.
I don’t see how it matters, as long as it all plays properly it’s good:)
Thank you
you do that on MKVToolNix
That’s what I used to delay the audio to get it synched up. . . but it still left a 1sec bit of the production intro. No worries though, guess I could just delay it to knock off the problematic second of audio and then push it forward a second to get it back into sync. Live and learn. :-P