Moozzi2 Raw.
Season 1-3: R1 (no honorifics, western name order), styled, retimed and with some typesetting
Season 4: 1-5 (Amurrica) ; 6-13 (Chihiro-retimed)
Just finished the show, love it. So as a gift for the new year, I decide to mux some subs I found on the internet to make a release of this show since the only BD on this site has ugly subs for season IV. Please seed cause I won’t seed for long.
Comments - 25
“(no honorifics, western name order)” In a series where honorifics is very important is kinda sounds bad. Also why western name order?
It would be a good upload without those mistakes.
johnbradshaw (uploader)
I can’t find any other subs for the first 3 season. If someone kindly provide me with those, I can do something about it. Secondly, it’s not that bad, when you get used to it. The translation is quite good.
@johnbradshaw I have many version of this series but all have the same problem. They all ruin it with no honorifics. Probably there is no any other sub version of those season. Unless someone don’t remake it or rewrite the whole sub.
Anyway Thanks for the upload. It good to see if someone still care about this series. (I still waithing for a remake anime of this series.)
johnbradshaw (uploader)
I hope they don’t remake this even though I think it need a proper ending. Today agenda ruined almost every remakes except for maybe Fruit Basket.
I don’t give a shit about honorifics-good grammar is way more important. If you can’t easily comprehend what’s being said it’s all for naught.
Honorifics Matter.
maybe if you’re ESL
@zrdb Good grammar and honorifics not mutually exclusive. Good grammar important for quality of the sub. Honorifics important because lot of time is part of the story.
@johnbradshaw Even though i like tha anime version the first 2 season is adapted very badly. Drama CD version is million time better. Anime version skip lot of White rose and Yellow rose story. Also there is lot of important character thought and emotion that they not adapted in the anime version. They also changed the order of the first season. (Forest of Thorns and White Petals should be before Rosa Canina. They even change the ending of Forest of Thorns and skip one of the best scene between Yumi and Sachiko)
As for remakes: I think the Captain tsubasa remake was good.
Season 1 has been stretched to 16:9. Got to force it to 4:3.
honorifics is good, but on japanese script; when it’s included in english, it becomes broken english and broken english is cringe
@johnbradshaw Can you upload and share the subs only please? Big thanks for your hardwork! I wanted to watch this anime with Moozzi2 raws so happy now ^^
johnbradshaw (uploader)
@Lietuvis123 go to animetosho. You can find my sub there
@johnbradshaw This torrent has not been fetched due to skipping policy
@peapod Not really. A simple “-sama” or “-Chan” dosent broke the english if you know what it mean. But if Yumi call Sachiko just simply “Sachiko” than it just broke whole point of the story. Stuff like “Lady Sachiko” is sounds also really cringe. Cuz “Lady” do nothing with “sama”.
You used the older x264 raws that have an aspect ratio bug in the first 2 seasons, btw, requiring forcing 4:3 aspect ratio. You didn’t use Moozzi2’s newer x265 raws.
Honorifics in an English translation are cringe though, so good on you there.
“Honorifics in an English translation are cringe though”
Typical westboo. I don’t really understand why people so much against honorifics. But those type of people are the one that like shitty english dub too. Literally there is no any reason to hate honorifics. You guys know what those honorifics means. Then why it is cringe? Want know what is actually cringe? Subs and Dub that use english slangs. And of course when the sub or dub do nothing with the actually line. Or when the sub or dub totally change the personality of the character. (Or the story…)
It’s cringe because they are not used in the English language. Romaji is not English and doesn’t belong in an English translation. A lot of the time names are used because honorifics can be complicated and mean different things based on the situation, you’re not going to translate something like “minami-nee” into “minami, the older female role model i look up to” each time. At other times there is a way to accurately get across the same feeling, like translating “handa-ojisan” into “mr. handa” or “uncle.”
You hear the honorifics in the Japanese and you know what they mean after a few dozen anime, so why ruin an otherwise good written English translation then? Nobody hates honorifics, they hate when they are in an English translation because they have no place and don’t belong there. Only obsessive people that can’t translate the honorifics in their head when they hear them and feel like they must read them or the anime experience is somehow ruined will stress about having them.
Personally i can live with them in a translation if there isn’t an alternative as it’s easy enough to tune them out, but of course would never actively choose to have them as they are ridiculous to have in an English translation by nature.
And no, I don’t think there is any significant overlap between dub watchers and those who dislike honorifics. If anything it makes more sense for the reverse to be true. Personally I’ve only watched dub in less than 1% of the anime I’ve seen.
johnbradshaw (uploader)
@Lietuvis123 here’s your sub.
johnbradshaw (uploader)
@shirepirate I understand your reason, but honorofics does belong in an english translation though. It is meant to be kept the same since there’s no english words for it. Yeah, you can clearly understand the honorofics in your head, but as a stand-alone translation - does not add the honorofics in will make the interactions between characters in the anime seems illogical. Unlike the West, in JP, people valued their seniors and address them with respect.
@johnbradshaw Thanks ^^
fuck honoraries
"so why ruin an otherwise good written English translation then"
It’s already not good written English translation if you change the relationship between characters. I always get cringe when in the anime someone say “Onee-chan” or “Onee-san” but in the sub it’s only say the character name instead. Also when someone say “Chan”, “San” or “Sama” that also indicate the relationship between characters, Easier to understand characters.
“Only obsessive people that can’t translate the honorifics in their head when they hear them and feel like they must read them”
I just hate when hear something in the jaudio but in the sub it’s written a completely different way. So if i hear “Onee-san” i want see either that or at least a proper translate like Sis or Big Sis instead of “Nozomi” (Random name) for example
"If anything it makes more sense for the reverse to be true. "
That make no sense.
I fully support and understand your point of view HaouRex. Anime is anime because of japanese language, honorifics, culture, folklore etc. etc. Without this it’s only another us, chinese or korean CARTOON. Unfortunately many people here are only interested in forcing their opinion on others not helping in making anime subs better in any way. Those comments could be easily posted anywhere on the web because they don’t have anything in common with anime and the only reason is to stir a fuss.
Regards to all true Anime Fans