VCB-Studio recently released an encode of Last Exile. Unfortunately, the encode is temporally unstable, so I can’t recommend it over existing versions. One problem with aggressive AI upscaling is that slow pans and zooms will get “wiggly” and/or start shimmering. The zoom at 01, 9:08 is one example, and the pan at 01, 9:53 is another.
More broadly, although aggressive AI upscaling = sharp and sharp = good, things like CUGAN will inevitably make bad decisions about what’s going on in a scene. In comparison 2 below, some of the tresses on the ship get nuked. In comparion 4, some of the windows of the buildings get merged into lines incorrectly. Also, if I may give my personal opinion, the CGI in this show should have stayed blurry. Yuck.
Anyway, this is Urotsuki’s encode of the show, which has some problems but which is probably the best option.
Comments - 12
Might be my memory failing me but i remember this being a overall blurry show which was a seemingly artistic choice
If the decimation’s actually the same, I guess VCB’s encode is a bit suspect-- but in their defense (and Urotsuki’s), the BD for this seems like an absolute nightmare-- inconsistent telecine patterns and a lot of really screwed-up frames. TIVTC and company are even more worthless than usual with that kind of crap.
AI was a mistake
My burning excitment for VCB new release just went “pouf”–it vanished like snow exposed in hot summer. Especially when I saw the screenshot, the landscape view from the sky, with the windows smudged into a line.
Thank you for your time making the screenshots and uploading them.
I guess it saved me a lot of band width… well, not so much because their release was not so heavy… oooh, well.
Now I wonder why no one ever posted Urotsuki’s release long before. I mean, his encodes seem always ace.
EDIT: well, I don’t understand why there seem to be almost no one downloading on this side… Because everyone has it already?! Come on!
Nice schizo rant
Wait until this guy realizes all vcb encodes are this trash
Nooo…Whut did you smoke?! :'D
More seriously, this is not very constructive and could be understand as easy trash talking. If you could share some of your knowledge or point somewhere, on how to make the difference between a good and trash encode, and how to be able to spot the latest, then I would be more than happy to read it. It would help me using my HDD resources more wisely, and maybe others as well.
My concern about VCB-Studio is that some of their release seems very satisfying, while some others are just… disappointing–to the point I can see a problem, without even making screenshots, and with untrained eyes. When this happens during the viewing of the first 10mn of the first episode, I makes me want to discard the rest of the series.
If writing more than 10 words and 5 lines makes me a shizo, then I prefer to look like a schizo than a bot with no soul.
There are some hot topics out there, where people get crazy 'bout things. Besides technical things about encoding, that are interesting even it goes beyond my mind, there are some people that show some kind of OCD, about how overflowing but precise they dive in some details that for me are just futile, because they have a completionist behavior and this is how they deal with stress and unsatisfying life. But they share some kind of knowledge, and there can be some interesting details for me to grab. It doesn’t make me feel I would want to share a cup of tea with them, but at least they are passionate about their thing, and it’s not something I would want to invalidate either.
It’s fine dude, I agree with you sometimes they hit sometimes they miss. They have this weird boner on having a kind of low size limit so it hampers the quality of their releases but sometimes they are the best one. It is what it is, Chinese do be like that. Bootleg 'n stuff, y’know…
trust interruptor to start talking racist nonsense
subs, please?
Erai! raws
The jpbds actually looked worse than the old Geneon us dvds-when I watched an episode I actually cringed at how bad it looked…!