### **February 13th 2025 update** : Episode 10 had a delay during eyecatch : [Download the fixed version](https://drive.google.com/uc?id=107E2SyvVtF07owOXRbw6Af9h36A1biDr&export=download=) |[Mirror](https://archive.org/download/dbz-japanese-broadcast-audio-V7-Team-Mirolo-HKB/DBZ%20010%20-%20Fuji%20-%20R2J%20DVD%20video%20synced%20-%20HKB.flac)
### These tracks are synced to the [Dragon Box Z](https://www.kanzenshuu.com/home-video/jp/dragon-box-z1/), which are the Japanese DVDs of Dragon Ball Z released in 2003.


### This is most likely the final release of DBZ Broadcast audio tracks. We didn't found anything else to fix.
### **V7 Changelog :**
- New episode 258 from Fuji TV
- Negative gain applied to louder tracks for more uniformity (mostly HKB tracks)
- Episode 093 : Short chunk of audio was missing at the beginning of PEP.
- Episode 100 (Tokai + Ishikawa): For some reason, the noise/buzz cleaning was messed up, it's like it was only applied on some part of the audio. Redone from scratch.
- Episode 137 : +70ms delay wasn't applied for that episode
- Episode 184 : -160ms shift for OP and -64ms for ED because the reference track supposed to be Dragon Box was actually Broadcast audio.
- Episode 185 : Small volume drop fixed at 22:29
- Episode 195 : Very small part of audio frequencies at 02:48 are lost, most likely during japanese broadcast airing (because both missing in Fuji and Tokai versions). Fixed with Dragon Box audio.
- Episode 194 & 264 : some frequent slight clicks removed.
- Episodes 229 & 237 : OP/ED from OST to be consistent with episode quality.
- Episode 264 : Opening was delayed by 381 ms, now fixed. NEP was +32ms compared to the rest of the episode (most likely because it was synced from another AC3 remux of Dragon Box audio, and depending on which software used, there can be 32ms difference). You can delayed your NEP subtitles by -32ms, but even if you don't, it won't really noticeable.
- Episode 273 : Opening was delayed by 600 ms, now fixed.
- Overall minor individual clicks removal and other minor fixes for several episodes (50/52/69/91/125/126/128/130/140/160/161/162/184/193/240/248/256/258/266/267/269/270/272/279/280/287/289)
### **What is "video sync" ?**
The audio tracks of the Japanese Dragon Box Z are not properly synced to the video. Sound effects are played later than they should (about 200 milliseconds in average). In order to fix that, we have calculated the difference (in milliseconds) between many video frames and their respective sound effects, for both parts of each episode. We've then shifted each track accordingly and called them "video synced".
So the "audio synced" tracks would be tracks matching the offical sync from Dragon Box (with it's sync issues)
Note that all delays that we calculated can be found in a [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18yqylgSPYy81HOufQZTSTHevb_bVeDuOf4isdXgNq_o/edit#gid=1791917683)
The following image (episode 101) illustrate the difference between the official sync and our fixed sync :

### **Notes**
- We didn't used some tracks tha Kei shared in 2021 for specific reasons. [Here is the list](https://pastebin.com/maJgvHWu) with explanations.
- Openings and Next Episode Previews have the same timings as original Dragon Box (they didn't really need to be shifted along with the rest).
- The tracks from NBS have been converted from AAC 128kbps to FLAC for syncing purposes, in case you want to give it more bitrate in lossy - or keep it in FLAC
- Opening and Endings are from Dragon Box Z R2J (better quality than Broadcast Audio, but not too much to make the episode quality sounds poor in comparison).
- [There are 40 next episode previews](https://pastebin.com/tHsKYPLm) coming from Dragon Box because in the Broadcast Audio tracks, those episodes had shorten next episode previews because of another following preview for a movie or TV Special. We filtered these Dragon Box previews with iZotope to make them a bit clearer.
- If you want to restore the original dragon box sync from these tracks, download the audio sync restoration patch [here](https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1TXGoztMJpW2clHx94VL_XILYTEunKCZ4&export=download) (tracks must be renamed 001, 002...)
### **Acknowledgements**
Big thanks to AnimeMaakuo, Kei and everyone that shared Japanese Broadcast Audio tracks. Thanks to HKB for syncing and cleaning all fillers tracks that we didn't do.
And thanks to everyone that helped in any possible way.
Comments - 9
Team-Mirolo (uploader)
Team-Mirolo (uploader)
Team-Mirolo (uploader)