Orphan presents a new English version of the 1996 short movie *Hameln no VIolin Hiki* (*The Violinist of Hameln*). Based on a 37-volume manga by Watanabe Michiaki, this a comedy send-up of the standard hero-and-party-versus-monsters trope. It's an absolute hoot.
Ripped from a Japanese laserdisc on the Domesday Duplicator. The original 3NA subs have been completely checked and extensively revised. For more information, see [this blog entry](https://collectr.blogspot.com/2022/11/hameln-no-violin-hiki.html).

This release, and all Orphan releases, are available for direct download from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on irc.rizon.net.
File list
[Orphan] Hameln no Violin Hiki (LD) [EE24FF27].mkv (990.9 MiB)
@archivisth 👍 Strange I failed to find that one, as much as I searched for it. 🙂 I guess I simply didn't search for the English title with the correct spelling of Hameln/Hamelin, maybe. I found that raw there is, anyway. 🙂
Also, if you download it from https://archive.org/details/violinist-of-hameln-tv-dvdrip ; the mkvs do have subtitles, whereas the mp4s have not.
(In case you maybe decide on the mp4s because of their smaller size.)
Comments - 9
archivisth (uploader)