Эта версия 《すごく不徳な AT-X ver.》
satellite version with ads*
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Futoku no Guild - 06 (AT-X 1080p AAC RAW) [Uncensored Video]
Равка с AT-X
ВНИМАНИЕ на это аниме есть ЧЕТЫРЕ версии.
in 《すごく不徳な AT-X ver.》 uncensored video and censored audio!
в версии 《すごく不徳な AT-X ver.》 видео без цензуры а аудио с цензурой!
Версия полностью без цензуры выйдет только на BD
Fully uncensored version will be released only on BD
Comments - 3
Thank you very much for not only not bowing down to HEVC retardness, but also allowing other people to make their own encode and avoid this HEVC shitshow. Long live Mother Russia!
moscowgolem (uploader)
at such moments, I remember how the same thing was written when switching from DivX (xvid) to x264) then from x264 to x265) now on many trackers everyone is already complaining about new releases - why switch from x265 to av1) and so on from generation to generation) I believe that a 25-minute anime series should weigh about 1.3-1.8 GB at least for 1080p, depending on the action scenes - regardless of the codec, the codec is primarily designed to allow you to insert more details at the same bitrate, it’s just that many people use the new codec not by appointment and in order to keep the OLD number of details as for example with x264 but reduce the bitrate. I think this approach is wrong
Yeah yeah, the only thing is that HEVC runs like shit on my devices and uses way too many resources for a pointless reduction in size, considering we’ve been having access to larger, cheaper storage for a good while. I’d rather have a 2GB file that runs smoothly than a 800MB piece of shit that stutters every now and again. HEVC and AV1, or any future standard that focuses on compression instead of quality, won’t ever be accepted and used by anyone other than idiotic, blind trend chasers, and greedy companies, such as Google (YouTube), to cut costs on storage. They aren’t thinking about the end user/consumer at all.