This is a lossless rip of ADV Films 2006 release of the anime Super Dimension Fortress: Macross (1982), this release includes all 36 episodes with both English and Japanese audio as well as a bunch of extras.
This rip contains:
-720x480i Video @ ~7836kbps
-ADV English Dub (2006) [5.1 AC-3 Surround Sound @448kbps] [ENG]
-Original Japanese Audio [AC-3 Stereo @224kbps] [JPN]
-Original Uncut Harmony Gold Dub (1984) [AC-3 Stereo @224kbps] [UND] (Episode 1 only)
-Commentary Track [AC-3 Stereo @224kbps] [UND] (For episodes 3, 4, 9, 15, 22)
-Signs and Songs [VobSub] [ENG]
-English Subtitles [VobSub] [JPN]
-Signs and Information Notes (For Harmony Gold Dub) [VobSub] [UND]
-Chapter Markers
This release includes:
-All 36 episodes
-The rare 2006 ADV Dub in high quality
-The even rarer 1984 Harmony Gold Dub (Episode 1 only)
-Commentary Tracks with Matt Greenfield, Javier Lopez, Vic Mignogna, Mari Iijima, Monica Rial, David Williams & Janice Williams
-Restoration comparison
-Interviews with English voice actors
-Interviews with the translator
-Interviews with Mari Iijima
-Interviews with fans of Robotech and Macross
-Episode Liner Notes
-Character and Mecha Statistics
-Secrets of Macross
This release is specifically for people who want to watch the 2006 ADV dub with high quality audio, literally every single copy of this dub online is in genuinely atrocious quality to the point where you can hear the compression artifacts becoming just as loud as the dialogue so when I found a DVD ISO of the ADV release on archive I just had to pounce on it and get it ripped. Sorry for large file sizes, I just wanted to make sure this release was properly archived, done proper justice and put into easier to use MKV files rather than being stuck on clunky DVD ISO’s.
[The original DVD ISO]
[DVD Extras on YouTube]
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