[NovaWorks] Mazica Party - 05 [7568138B]

2022-10-28 04:04
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475.9 MiB
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05 - An Evolving Bond!? Kezuru & Balloonya’s Intense Training!

We really pissed off Fukulock with this one.





Hooo boy has it been a while for this series. Yeah, you thought Komi stalling was bad? Think again.
Anyways, we’re really glad to have this out finally. Special thanks to TsukumoYuya, who offered to fill the role of translation temporarily to help get things rolling again.
We’ll be paying attention to the numbers on this one to evaluate this Mazica’s future with NovaWorks. If you wanna see more, then please download and let us know!
We’ll keep going as long as we deem the demand sufficient enough!

After an internal discussion, this will be our last release of Mazica Party as we direct resources to other projects. Sorry to those following us for this show, and thanks for the support!

Speaking of Komi, since I know a few of you are eager to bitch in the comments that this isn’t a Komi release, chill out for a little while longer. We’ll see you in November, for sure!

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File list

  • [NovaWorks] Mazica Party - 05 [7568138B].mkv (475.9 MiB)

Don’t worry GJM-lite. EVERYONE is waiting for Komi! Can’t wait for this 10/10 show to release from you guys <3.

"since I know a few of you are eager to bitch"
And I took that personally.

omg my favorite show, Disney’s Magical Party: Majin Club, finally got another episode released 😳

I love Mazica Party!!! Please keep subbing it!!!

kuracchi my best friend

this comment section is so great. i’m so glad that people are enjoying our gunma-chan Mazica Party releases and not using it as a poking ground for the speed of a show that most of the team working on this has no involvement with

of course if you’re going to poke at the speed of another show you COULD joke about mazica party komi-san since that’s most of the same staff and hasn’t released in over a year. but god knows none of you are into that anyway lol

Komi is my personal AOTY, cannot wait for a full-fledged release.

There are currently only twice as many completed (24) compared to comments (12). The numbers being looked at are the number of downloads, not the fervent strength of wishes for continued posting of subbed episodes. One person would usually only download once, so many more people are needed to download this.




@Glordit, The example you gave about speed is still extremely fast compared to the very first of the “Mahou shoujo” genre series: “Mahoutsukai Sally” (109 episodes broadcast 1966-12-05 to 1968-12-30, of which only 14 (1…7, 42…48) have been English subbed so far [ https://nyaa.si/view/1274177 ])

Toei later released an 88 episode spin-off (1989-10-09 to 1992-10-23) and two movies, of which only the two movies were English subbed.

I’m definitely not downloading an episode from a series that might not even get finished during my lifetime.

this comment section is so great.

This would be funny if it weren't so horrible.

Here’s a subtitle file with a fix for the colorspace. If your question is how that got through QC when this took over a year to release… well, I have that same question.

I hope someone will continues translating this anime since NovaWorks won’t continues this.

@Power_Giran123 Would need RAWs for that and all torrents on Nyaa on this are dead, also the “720p” source here is utter trash, i dont know why they didnt just grab it when it was available on youtube…