[Bejee] One Piece Box Set Extras [Viz]

2022-08-16 19:19 UTC
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File size:
420.9 MiB
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Viz Media's One Piece Box Sets come with 20-24 Volumes of One Piece, a double-sided poster, and an extra booklet. These booklets contain one-shots that are in some cases the only official English release. Each Box Set contains a different thing. Box Set 1 - Romance Dawn ver. 1. - A 1996 one-shot early rendition of One Piece. SFX are fully redrawn. Box Set 2 - Chapter 0: Strong World (also known as chapter 565.5) - A One Piece movie tie-in chapter with canon elements. SFX are translated but not redrawn. Box Set 3 - One Piece x Dragon Ball Cross Epoch, and One Piece x Toriko The Taste of the Devil Fruit - A crossover between series One Piece and Dragon Ball and Toriko. This is not a manga version of One Piece x Toriko x Dragon Ball Z TV Special, it's two seperate one-shots with unique stories. One Piece x Dragon Ball has fully redrawn SFX, and One Piece x Toriko has translated but not redrawn SFX. Box Set 4 - Instead of a one-shot, this booklet contains the Jimbei Cover Story that ran during the Dressrosa arc. Now you can read it all at once instead of consuming one page per chapter at a time. Ripping methods vary— -Romance Dawn ver. 1 and Strong World are scanned straight from the booklet. My cleaning skills are sub-par so the quality is a bit messy. But the 3600 resolution more than makes up for it, making it the highest quality version of these chapters that exist on the web. -One Piece x Dragon Ball is scanned not from the booklets but from a WSJ issue somebody else owned and scanned. I chose this over my booklet because the color pages are colored and not grayscaled. All the SFX are still fully redrawn. -One Piece x Toriko I did not scan at all. This one-shot was digitally released for Shonen Jump alpha members, so I just used a rip of that. While it's a much lower resolution, the quality is also far cleaner. -The Jimbei Cover stories I didn't bother including at all. These pages are readily available in any rip of the One Piece manga. If you're so interested I would suggest just downloading 1r0n's One Piece Viz rips. If you're too lazy for that go on mangasee123, hell go to the One Piece Wiki. (These booklets also contain interviews, multiple choice quizzes, all sorts of miscellaneous things. I didn't scan that. If those things REALLY interest you, just buy the box set. I mean I own the box sets and even I haven't bothered reading all that.)

File list

  • One Piece (Bonus Content)
    • One Piece - Romance Dawn ver. 1.cbz (184.2 MiB)
    • One Piece - Strong World (Chapter 0 [aka Chapter 565.5]).cbz (128.9 MiB)
    • One Piece x Dragon Ball - Cross Epoch.cbz (89.8 MiB)
    • One Piece x Toriko - Taste of the Devil Fruit.cbz (18.0 MiB)
Fuck this is based. Thanks. Wasn't gonna buy box set 1 just for the extras.
**appreciation* ![Eru-Ibara-300](https://i.postimg.cc/kXbpqPD2/300.gif)
Just sold my boxes when I was in a financial pinch, so thanks for this!
Great work! Very few people are still active in scanning physical only material for manga and art-books. Really appreciate your efforts in this. Now if only someone could scan the Artbook Omnibuses, that's be superb. But I reckon that would mean ripping apart your own copies, so that's gonna be tough