### It is here! The complete End of Evangelion. (BDRip)

The long awaited **ultimate true archival quality** Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion release! Featuring video, subtitles, japanese and english audio from [HachiRoku](https://nyaa.si/view/1553443 "[HachiRoku] Neon Genesis Evangelion - The End of Evangelion (BD 1080p HEVC FLAC) [Dual Audio] | Shin Seiki Evangelion Movie: Air / Magokoro wo, Kimi ni ") in conjunction with the subs and Netflix dubs from [Baws](https://nyaa.si/view/1408437 "[Baws] Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion v3 (1080p BDRip HEVC FLAC)").
I noticed HachiRoku's release was missing the important international subs and dubs from Sephirotic and Baws respectively, so I decided to update it. This release features the edited and improved subtitles from HachiRoku's release (details can be read on the post itself).
From Baws:
> While I am still quite happy with my work on eoe, in hindsight I was probably too liberal with my editing, and changed the meaning of some lines. Until I make a better version of these subs, I would recommend using the subtitles from [ARC].
From HachiRoku:
> I noticed ARC’s release (which is currently the best release for this movie) was lacking the Netflix dub in FLAC from the new USBD, so I decided to update it. I also updated the subtitles. The default track is an improved version of ARC’s. ARC used Sephirotic’s dialogue with Commie TS. I used Sephirotic’s dialogue with Baws’ improved Commie TS. The second track is Baws’ edit, which is a combination of Sephirotic and Commie. I included Commie’s script for anyone who prefers that and a Signs & Songs track from Baws, which is an improved version of Commie.
[**Baws' edited subs**](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wvAGl-Y64Vbx6fp8iRWpRn7sCgqW-4LY/view?usp=sharing)
**Update**: A new release is in the works. It’ll be a joint project with Baws under [HachiRoku-Baws]. It will be all of Evangelion with TLCd Netflix merged with some of Sephirotic’s script. ETA is 100-200 years.
[Click here for the mediainfo](https://pastebin.com/jLxhp45u)
[](https://files.catbox.moe/zgc089.webm "Sneed")
Reupload due to a small seeding issue.
#### **you better sneed**
If @anon isn't @HachiRoku or @Baws, it's amazing how they live rent-free in the uploader's mind all day long. ꉂ (´∀`)ʱªʱªʱª
Revenge of the Spreadsheet Nerds.

>german (netflix dub)
it's shit. if you're plan on adding international dubs to the full series release please sync the original german dub to beatrice or let me do it
Why does @Arid0914 always snap and post catty comments... and then delete them? I saw that catty comment you directed at @pip3 before you deleted it.
Hopefully you're not becoming a doppelganger of @Meltdown Vodes. ;0_o
@wave I wouldn't be surprised. Fits the motto of someone that posts catty comments, then deletes them, fearing any backlash.
They would be likely to hide in their turtle shell and upload ****anonymously**** from a ****safe space****.
It's like throwing a rock and then hiding. Fearing a response. Their ego is big enough to be triggered, reactive, and attack.
But their ego is also frail and can't handle a pebble being thrown back without breaking. Thus anonymous upload.
Shitty flac audio tracks occupy 30% of the file size. The same percent of functioning brain the sneedsplitter has left after doing an ABX test and failing it repeatedly.
Miss me with this retarded shit.
@Gnome I haven't had anyone be interested in contributing so far; when it gets colder and I'm indoors more again in a couple of months I'll get cracking at my own 'submission' to my project to start with as a base if it's to end up being less crowdsourced than I originally wanted. At the least I'm gonna need a few Japanese speakers competent in colloquialism to help tackle some of the more precise questions I have from line to line to make sure things like figures of speech and - most importantly given the previous translations - tone are preserved. The dude who was helping out with restoring episode 16, Zeruel84, quit after it turned out another team are also working on it atm; I can't divulge any more about that. I don't know if they have anything planned for sharpening up EoE like Zeruel84 did but I sure hope so, it could really do with it. Fancy photographing such a feature with the wrong lens or whatever that problem was, I forget the details. For my attempted subs project, the ETA realistically - to do this thing *properly* - could be up to a few years but I should remain contactable at my Soulseek account throughout since I leave it running all hours to share rare stuff. Here's the blank translations comparison workbook if you'd like to take a crack at some lines yourself (b64): aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvUHdKeGtiaVIjNkhub1RidHliaVhSaGhiM2QyN0d3MFUxaUhsQ0VXaWN4NjFqOXFJRVFlUQ==
@Rrobynne I hope you stick with it and get some more help from people here and elsewhere, I have the doc at the top of my soulseek shares as well for any visibility. I'll give it a shot too, not especially confident with my linguistic skills but seems like you could use any contributions you can get
@Gnome Thanks! :) I think the biggest problem has been finding communities with FanRes / originaltrilogy -tier quality standards still active in 2022, /m/ is dead these days and /a/ is essentially a junk board, Evageeks is the original source of a lot of the biased westernised fan analysis and misinformation about the series, and the subreddit seem to be the Gen Z version of that branch of fandom except even more shallow and consumerist, so it doesn't seem like there's any high-quality fan communities on the level of e.g. some of the projects places like the chans got up to in the mid-00s right now from which to go and post about seeking contributions. Probably going to be a case of just teasing out scattered individuals like yourself from various corners.
@Kulot99 tbf i think he just didn't understand what dilating meant in this context
@Rrobynne 1.) as a scanlator, i can relate. 2.) so based to leave your soulseek account as the only means of contacting you haha
@pip3, no, Arid-Baws is cancelled. I'm making it by myself now, since Baws will also likely drop out. I'm looking for a TS and an Editor. Let me know if you're interested.
Does anyone have that Love & Pop extra where Hideaki Anno talks to a callgirl about Evangelion? I know I've seen it subbed somewhere but I can't find it for the life of me.
I have a translated version of the extra with video/audio directly from the Archives of Evangelion DVD if you'd like to use (I think the Love & Pop BD in the Hideaki Anno Collection has this extra as well, not sure if it's audio is in PCM or not though):
aHR0cHM6Ly8xZHJ2Lm1zL3YvcyFBdnJTaERzaHFUWnVubVF1MUxBRXJ4TUhWV3d0P2U9WGJheFdZ== (base64)
I think I have pretty much all the English/Japanese extras that have been released for Evangelion on Home Video releases since around 1996-2015 in one form or another, so if you need any additional stuff feel free to contact me via Discord (HRSM#1702)
Wow, tysm!
I was actually more interested in it because of the Love and Pop part but now that you mention the EVA ones, I'm intrigued. I'll shoot you a message.
PS: The audio on the Anno 1998-2004 BD Box is indeed PCM, but sadly there aren't any subs present. AFAIK the only extras for that movie that have been translated are the aforementioned Eva x Love & Pop one and the making-of which fortunately has been fansubbed.
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