And we’ve reached the end of our journey. It’s time for the SEGA Genesis (Mega Drive outside of NA). I know it’s actual name IS Mega Drive, but I like Genesis better. Anyway, this was the competitor for the SNES, and it didn’t do that well. Honestly, I can see why. This is not my favorite console. It has some good games, but nothing compared to the SNES. It’s not a bad system by any means, it was just overshadowed by a better one. Let’s get to the folders.
SEGA Genesis English ROMs: Because of major overlap of NA and EU games, I just put all licensed, officially translated games into one folder. This is most of the Genesis library, as again, there weren’t that many Japanese exclusives.
SEGA Genesis Japanese ROMs: About a hundred or so untranslated Japanese games. Many of them are sports games.
SEGA Genesis Translated Japanese ROMs: And these are the fan translated Japanese games. Again, nothing really stands out. There are a few really good games, but most… meh.
SEGA Genesis 32X ROMs: Ah, the ill fated and stupidly marketed 32X. What a terrible idea that was. This is the whole 32X library of games that don’t also have a CD. All of them are in English with the exception of Sangokushi IV, the only Japanese 32X exclusive. You’re not missing anything.
I’m using Fusion as my emulator. You may use whatever you want. Wouldn’t want to start any emulator drama, whatever that is.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this series of archives. All in all, it was about 4850 ROMS. I’m sure you’ll find games you like in there, somewhere.
Comments - 12
Keep it up, mate!
DmonHiro (uploader)
I can’t keep it up. I’m done. That’s it for me.
Thank you really much!
Would love a PS1/PS2 Collection someday.
Hope someone do it!
Thanks either way!
DmonHiro (uploader)
A PS1 collection alone would be around 4.5 TB, uncompressed.
no Sega CD collection? Pretty much all the genesis jRPGs were on the Sega CD. Being able to see anime full motion video cutscenes on an RPG game was such a wonderful experience back in the early '90s.
DmonHiro (uploader)
Honestly… most of the SEGA CD games are… trash. There are a few gems, but for the most part, just really bad FMV games. Also, the Japanese games are untranslated.
Do psp collection. Fan translated ones. I recall quote a few vn are there.
DmonHiro (uploader)
Nah, I’m done.
Would’ve been nice to see Sega CD and yeah, most are trash, but there’s some really good games:
Guys asking for a PS1/PS2/PSP batch. Don’t they know that’s a little too big? Just get from AlvRo.
I downloaded the retail PS3 games I wanted and it weighs 1.50TB although a complete US set is nearly 10 TBs. I don’t need all.
where your torrent Super Nintendo (SNES) US, EU & JP (TRANSLATED) ROM Collection ?
DmonHiro (uploader)
I removed it. It was missing all the Japanese games. Use" SNES ROM Collection"