[SlyFox] Summertime Rendering (Summer Time Render) - 16 [B1C01C4E].mkv

2022-07-29 05:43 UTC
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692.9 MiB
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Not dead. Just busy.

File list

  • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 16 [B1C01C4E].mkv (692.9 MiB)
"Funny how you release it on Friday morning when someone uploads it first, and on Saturday/Sunday when no one does. Don’t know if it’s because you’re too lazy to time the lines, so you wait for someone to do it and then use some python script to OCR the lines and get the timing or someting… but glad if it motivates you to procrastinate less, lol." Thanks for the quick release.
Funny how you wewease it on fwiday mowning when someone upwoads it fiwst, and on satuwday/sunday when no one does. don’t know if it’s because you’we too wazy to time the wines, so you wait fow someone to do it and then use some python scwipt to ocr the wines and get the timing ow someting… but gwad if it motivates you to pwocwastinate wess, wow.
Es curioso que lo publiques el viernes por la mañana cuando alguien lo sube primero, y el sábado/domingo cuando nadie lo hace. No sé si es porque te da pereza cronometrar las líneas, así que esperas a que alguien lo haga y luego usas algún script de python para hacer el OCR de las líneas y obtener el timing o algo así... pero me alegro de que te motive a procrastinar menos, lol.
C'est drôle comme vous le publiez le vendredi matin quand quelqu'un le télécharge en premier, et le samedi/dimanche quand personne ne le fait. Je ne sais pas si c'est parce que vous êtes trop paresseux pour chronométrer les lignes, alors vous attendez que quelqu'un le fasse, puis utilisez un script python pour OCR les lignes et obtenir le timing ou quelque chose… mais content si cela vous motive à tergiverser moins, lol.
I'm fuking crying from laughing guys. you're just too good!
Bet he's gonna release every remaining episode on friday just to spite luxury lmao
Will we be getting EP 17 today? :)
when is ep 17 hurrrrrrrrrrrry
Strano come relli di venerdì quando qualcuno già rella prima, e di sabato/domenica quando nessuno lo fa. Non so se è perché ti pesa troppo il culo a timeare le linee, o perché aspetti "qualcuno" che lo faccia al posto tuo per poi usare uno script in python per OCR per rubare il timing e poi... almeno sono contento questo ti sproni a procrastinare di meno, lol.
I'm not the pessimistic type, but...at this point is it already safe to assume Sly is dead?
@Karma-kun, Sly has released Summertime Rendering on Sunday a bunch of times, so I wouldn't assume he is dead yet.
@Mr_Magus So wait until the end of the day, got it :)
@Karma-kun, I can't guarantee that, just saying not to assume its dropped at least until the next weeks raw is released. Sometimes stuff comes up IRL that causes delays. It will most likely come today though (Hopefully).
@Mr_Magus i hope so, personally if not today i will just download from another place, i just hope he isn't dead
the absolute state of fansubbing
if slyfox is dead ill just wait for cummie
i guess madfox was just seething so hard others uploaded before him
Yep, i guess he is dead, also, what others tho?
Any other sources to watch it subbed rn ?
@bump71, The only other source for this is something I wouldn't recommend anyone watching. Edit: If for some reason you want to watch it anyway, search: "Summer Time Render" here on nyaa. Just be aware it is done by someone without Japanese knowledge using the manga.
Sad, i really want to watch it
@Mr_Magus I guess I can wait for a few more days let's hope it will be out soon , it's just that I love the accent of the way they talk in these subs so it's great to watch , thanks for the info just in case it's dropped
im holding out for another week or two before I declare him dead
surely they're just busy irl guys. surely a certain someone didn't https://rentahitman.com/ on them
Time to be serious about these jp lessons. Well there's a french team that does the subs too, if you speak omelettes dü fromage 8)
good lord have mercy
Where do i find commie's stuff?
@Muxed, https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=%5BCommie%5D+Summer+Time+Rendering , commie only has up to ep. 14 done as of August 3 though.
https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2043133860 this sub seems decent
@SlyFox, We all have stuff comes up IRL, fuck anyone who complains about a single week coming late. Really appreciate all the work you put into this, especially when people put out crap releases and think they are actually doing good for the community [talking about daddy Luxury].
@SlyFox, I second the above comment. Take as long as you need, it'll always be worth the wait and we'll always be just as grateful for your work.
Dear @Mr_Magnus, stop licking Slyfox's ass. Also, if you don't like something, it doesn't mean another person won't like it as well. Now if SlowFox is just busy and plans on a comeback, it's cool, it means more choice for the people :)
@slyfox I'll wait as long as I can for your releases. Very grateful for all the translations you've done for STR so far.
stop huffing that copium lmao he's dead
LMFAO, all you have to do is talk a little shit, and you summon the allmighty daddy Luxury. Just a little advice, Mr. luxury, if you take everything you read on the internet personally, you are going to have a very unpleasant experience. That's what the internet is, after all. A place were Anons talk mad shit about other Anons. I will let you in on secret, when you react to shit talking, more people will talk shit.