Famicom Disk System ROM Collection

2022-07-24 03:52
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File size:
11.7 MiB
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Maybe I should have included this in the Nintendo and Famicom torrent, but it IS technically a separate system.

The Famicom Disk System is an interesting little device from 1986 that was meant to enhance the capabilities of the Famicom. It made use of disks which allowed the game to be larger in size, and enhanced the audio of FDS versions of existing games. It was only released in Japan, and it was not successful. The reasons are many. While it brought some advantages, most important of which was the ability to save your game, the disadvantages heavily outweighed them. The device was very fragile and would break without much provocation. This was especially true for the belt inside the system. It was also very annoying to actually use. You’d have to keep ejecting the disk, and turning in to the other side because it could only read one side at a time and could not flip it itself. You’d have to do this A LOT. It’s annoying NOW on an emulator, let alone back then. Also, the loading times were quite high, especially considering that cartridge games had zero. Still, it was the most successful game system add-on.

OK, now FDS games are bit harder to start then NES/Famicom games. I suggest using Mesen and have the FDS settings set up to automatically switch disk sides, or you’re gonna have a bad time.

Now, since the FDS was only release in Japan, all ROMs should be Japanese, and they are, but let me explain the folders.

FDS Japanese ROMs: OK, this one may be confusing. This is not simply every single game. It’s every single game that you have no chance of playing unless you can read Japanese.

FDS Light Japanese ROMs: I got this idea from archive.org. These “light Japanese” games are games that are still in Japanese, but for which you don’t actually need to know Japanese to play. Games that have little to no text, or that have the buttons in Japanese, but nothing else, are here. You can play these.

FDS Translated Japanese ROMs: Games that would have been in the first folder, but have been patched to be in English.

FDS Unlicensed Japanese ROMs: OK, this one’s the weird one. Usually, I don’t include unlicensed games, but this is such an oddity I had to. These are games that were not licensed by Nintendo. They’re all pervy games. Each and every one of them is about seeing pictures of naked anime girls. Also, some of these fucking games are HARD. You’re gonna need to channel your horny powers if you’re gonna beat some of them. Some are also hard to start. The Fruits Mahjong games have to be used in a certain way. You might notice that there’s no disk 1 for the first game, but that’s because the ROMs all already include it. What you had to do was insert disk 1 of game 1, then switch it with the side A of the volume you wanted to play. So to play this, you boot up any of the seven discs, then switch from Disk 1 Side A to Disk 2 Side A. Yes, you have to act as if you’re using 2 disks. You can’t do this automatically. Also, two of the games (Kind Gal’s and Tenshitachi no Houkago) I could not figure out how to start. They’re both on 2 disks, and you’re suposed to swap them, but I could not do it. If anyone does, let me know how.

I also included the FDS bios that you’re going to need. Enjoy.

File list

  • Famicom Disk System ROM Collection.zip (11.7 MiB)

Was about to ask you the difference from the other torrent.

Thanks either way!

DmonHiro (uploader)


This is the first torrent I made for the FDS.