[Aergia] Call of the Night 03 [WEBRip 1920x1080 AVC E-AC-3]

2022-07-22 14:46 UTC
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File size:
687.8 MiB
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Sources: Video - NF + AMZN VBR + AMZN CBR Audio - AMZN VBR Subtitles - Commie Chapters - Netflix No changes since last ep.

File list

  • [Aergia] Call of the Night 03 [WEBRip 1920x1080 AVC E-AC-3].mkv (687.8 MiB)
Call of Soul Eater is on the way I think. (◔‿◔)
jesus christ, cut that useless logo at the start too lazy to MKV Toolnix it, plus it might be impossible
That requires resyncing the audio, which is both not possible to do accurately for lossy formats, and also more work for no gain.
>That requires resyncing the audio, which is both not possible to do accurately for lossy formats ?????????????
Whats not to get? Everyone knows sample exact cutting isnt possible
dafuq you talk about, just ffmpeg: -c:a copy after you trim it LOL
yeah but in this case trimming the audio affects the sync by 10ms, which is completely unnoticeable. that's a really bad excuse to not do it.
It may be unnoticeable but why would i spend more effort and then needlessly induce error?
lmao you are beyond parody
whatever you say man
Thank you. I specifically wait for your release :)
>but why would i spend more effort already spending as you insert commie sub which has different timing tbh, you're dumb af though thank god it trimmed just fine with toolnix noitamina logo is annoying af
Wtf who cries about a 1 second logo at the start of a web release? Not like this is gonna be your permanent archival anyway after BDs come out. Thanks for this Zewia.
I cannot believe there's people that would complain about a few second logo animation...
noitamina logo is actually cool af
poretto no isu goated
> tbh, you’re dumb af Go watch amazon then, not interested in seeing comments from you because you are one of the most annoying and stupid people on this site
@vikrant9760 who the fuck would archive this shitty show in the first place?
nyaa do be whining over everything lately
>Go watch amazon then, not interested in seeing comments from you because you are one of the most annoying and stupid people on this site right back at you, pal who can't even trim stupid logo youre dumb af, nc
> right back at you, pal who can’t even trim stupid logo I could easily trim it, and I explained why trimming it is pointless. Clearly you are too fucking illiterate to even comprehend what I said.
@Kamiyan93 stop crying about a logo on a WEB release, retard. I'd like to see you come up with a filterchain that can get anywhere close to the quality of this
Yeah, but, if he didn't find something minute to cry about, this wouldn't be nyaa
need to learn the avi method mkvmerge -o "out.mkv" "temp.avi" "audiofile" --split parts-frames:firstframe-lastframe cut lossy audio frame perfect, without re-encoding
No it doesn't, you don't know what you're talking about. Also, not sure why people are getting so stuck up about the accuracy of trimming when I also said its just more work and pointless for me to do.
oh I missed this malding. who unironically cares about this shit?