Transformers: Kiss Players is a Japanese Transformers franchise which ran from 2006 to 2007, and conceived by artist and writer Yuki Ohshima. The story takes place in the Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity, specifically in the five-year interval between The Transformers: The Movie and Fight! Super Robot Lifeforms Transformers 2010.
The series contains mature subject matter and is aimed towards a much older Japanese male audience. For this reason, this series is NOT recommended for children.
In terms of this release, our team has spent an incredible amount of time translating, authoring videos and creating a presentation for fans to (hopefully) enjoy.
What this set includes:
Transformers Audio Dramas - With visual presentations using various source material - Presented with Japanese Audio with English Subtitles
Transformers Information Administration Bureau Teletraan 15 (Ichigo) Go! Go! (English translated + Japanese original scans)
Transformers Kiss Players (Audio only) FLAC format
CD / Instruction scans
Box Sketches and Chibi Image Scans
Box Photos
Comments - 10
Unexpected release of the year! Outstanding. Thanks for all your hard work on this one!
Whoah! Unexpected!!! I’m also surprised an audio release could be so BIG! Thank you Karyuudo, stellar work as always.
karyuudofansubs (uploader)
UPDATE: One of our fans noticed a line of information was missing from page 97. Rather than re-doing the torrent again, please download the updated page correction via Mega:
karyuudofansubs (uploader)
UPDATE 2: Another small change to page 97.
Hi, thanks a lot for this translation! I’ve researched everything I could about KP since I knew about it. I noticed that you are missing the pictures from the Atari & Autorooper set (the one with the big Atari statue and the small Autorooper) and I remembered that someone in a Transformers fan site (which was in spanish, but I cannot recall the name of it…) uploaded them, and luckily, I still have them in my PC, so I wanna share them with you. Hopefully they’ll be useful for you. Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!
karyuudofansubs (uploader)
Thanks for sharing that Eleking44!
Look, if they can acknowledge the controversial choices in Bayformers,
They can do the same with this too.
So is the manga the complete thing?
karyuudofansubs (uploader)
@Zuckerberg Yes.