[NekoYu' - Team Arcedo] Komi-san wa Komyushou desu - S02E12 MULTi VOSTFR+ENG SUBS (Web-Rip 1080p x.264 AAC).mkv

2022-06-27 22:53
File size:
1.0 GiB
Info hash:

Synopsis de l’anime :

Il s’agit de la seconde saison de “Komi-san wa, Komyu-shou desu”.

Traduction : Nekoyuki (FR), MelticStAr (ENG)
Check : Nekoyuki (FR), MelticStAr (ENG)
QC & Adaptation : Nekoyuki, Shamrock (FR), MelticStAr (ENG)
Edition : Nagutos & Shamrock
Synchro & Encodage : Nekoyuki (enco), Nagutos (repérages)

Origine : Manga
Episodes : 12
Diffusion (fansub) : tous les samedi à 21h00
Genres : Comédie - Drame - Romance - School Life - Shônen - Slice of Life
Thèmes : Amitié - Ecole
Studio d’animation : OLM

Télécharger sur MEGA (MP4 & MKV), récupérer les sous-titres (.ass) et les fonts : https://mega.nz/folder/Dwsh3DRY#DJhxKppD0e5gi3G9Q-0FcQ

alt text

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File list

  • [NekoYu' - Team Arcedo] Komi-san wa Komyushou desu - S02E12 MULTi VOSTFR+VOSTA (Web-Rip 1080p x.264 AAC).mkv (1.0 GiB)

Arcedo (uploader)


Arcedo (uploader)


will be corrected with the release of final pack/bluray

Merci pour les travaux !

Arcedo, I dont you have realized, but on this upload, there are ONLY French subs. I dunno how everyone else hasn’t noticed this, I downloaded multiple times already, and it is only french subs that are showing up.

Arcedo (uploader)


the English subtitles are in the file, use VLC for example to select them