Black Clover anime episodes 1 to 170 720p HD Japanese english sub. I removed some fillers cuz they arent worth watching and it will save some space.
This is my 3rd torrent, I’m planning to make Gintama Full Series with movies 720p (45gb) after this but it may take a week or more
Contact me for more information or be my nakama ;3
I may not seed this file well, So download it as fast as you can
Comments - 6
Can you add a tag to your releases, something like [Shafin]?
ShafinKun (uploader)
ohh, Now that I think about it, I’ve never did that my bad :(
ShafinKun (uploader)
Let me do little change
Tag your releases as a remake.
ShafinKun (uploader)
Okay, bro. Im new in this, so i have lot to learn
seed please. thanks