This pack contains the 4 main games of Hyperdimension Neptunia only with Re:Birth updates included.
As usual, don’t forget to seed after you finished to download and the rest of my uploaded torrents.
Games are owned by Compile Heart and Idea Factory.
Comments - 4
Thanks for the Nep Nep!
Games work great except for one minor annoyance for Re;Birth 2 and 3, for the controller (Xbox Series X|S) A and B are being detected as reversed, the game displays A as confirm and B cancel but for some reason A is cancel while B is confirm (Re;Birth 1 and Megadimension Neptunia VII aren’t affected).
I don’t know if this is an issue on the legit version or if it’s just an issue I have, I have no clue so I just thought I’d mention it just in case I’m not the only one that has to deal with that.
Sorry to ask again, but can you reseed your Dead or Alive 5 and 6 Games?
I would like to create back up and 100% save for future preservations :)
Thank You!