[DmonHiro] All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku OVA (DVD Remux, Japanese Audio Only)

2022-05-07 16:38
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Yes, I know, I said I retired, but this is a special exemption from that. The Nuku Nuku OVA series is very dear to me, as it’s one of the first shows I saw, and the show that made me fall in love with the voice of Hayashibara Megumi, who is still one of my all time favorite seiyuus. As such, when someone uploaded a DVD remux of this show a few days ago, I was quite happy, as the BD for this is ass. Now, the DVDs aren’t all that great either, but there’s a difference between looking like ass and looking like absolute ass. However, my happiness was dashed when, after having finished downloading the remux, I realized that it only contained the English dub. Even though I retired, I knew I couldn’t let such travesty continue, so here’s a version with the remuxed video from https://nyaa.si/view/1523104, with the Japanese audio from the BDs. This contains ONLY the Japanese audio.

PS: To this day I don’t understand what they were thinking when they made Dash!

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OMFG-you again? I thought you’d died and gone to heaven/hell or where ever.

DmonHiro (uploader)


Whenever a dub-only version of an anime will appear, I’ll be there.
Whenever an anon uploads something without the original Japanese audio, I’ll be there.

Does this DVD have a better image quality when compared to the BD?

DmonHiro (uploader)


Oh, yes. The BDs for this are absolute trash.

And I must say your constant insistence that if something is dubbed it must include the japanese audio is pure fucking bullshit. So what if the uploader omitted the japanese audio-that’s their decision-not yours.

I’m glad I didn’t go ahead and download hchcsen’s release then lol. Thanks for the DVD remux.

DmonHiro (uploader)


zrdb, anyone is entitled to their own decision, not matter how fucking stupid it is. English dubs are inferior. Anyone who prefers them is also inferior. And anyone who purposefully removes the original dubbing (no matter the language) is an absolute cretin. That’s just how things are.

PS: Anyone unable or unwilling to write original comments instead of copy-pasting one also deserves to me mocked. That means you.

solution: include both

DmonHiro (uploader)


Simplistic, it is a waste of space to keep the English dub.

Just encode it to like 15kb/s or something, wouldn’t really change a thing tbh.

I don’t even know why I waste my precious time “debating” with you. English dubs are only inferior if you don’t speak english as a native language-I do-you don’t. And the original language track is a waste of space if you don’t speak japanese nor do I wish to learn how. So have fun with and treasure your jingoistic prejudices and live a long life and prosper-HAH!

DmonHiro (uploader)


As I said before, you’re entitled to your opinion, not matter how stupid it is. Any dub in any language is inferior to the original audio, regardless of the language of the original audio. A dub is an inferior copy, always. Would anyone care to look at copies of famous paintings at a museum? Of course not.

You can’t argue with prejudice since it’s based on emotion-not logic so speak for yourself-I’m done here. Ciao

DmonHiro (uploader)


You keep saying goodbye, but you always come back. Also, you’re using “prejudice” wrong. Well, at least partially wrong. Prejudice is, at its bases, irrational hatred of someone/something solely because of what it is. The thing about prejudice is that it’s more or less irrational. My hatred of dubs is very rational: it’s an imitation. And much more often then not, it’s a very poor imitation. So why would I waste time/resources on it, since it’s inferior to the original? Now THAT’S irrational.

if you want to improve your reading skills watch them subs.

if you want to enjoy the show watch it dub.

DmonHiro (uploader)


That’s an incredibly stupid thing to say, friendevil22. If you have the reading skills to read subs immediately, you’re already enjoying the show. But with much higher quality voice acting.

Enjoy the show by looking at the bottom of the TV most of the time.

11 people i know prefer dub over sub, except 1 russian prefers it sub ( his english is sort of lacking ).

I don’t mind subs, komi-san, re:zero, nagatoro as an example are unwatchable as dubs unfortunately but other shows such as date a live, dbz, demon slayer, horimiya, Fruits Basket, Index Series, are superior in dub and much more enjoyable.

As you said before, you’re entitled to your opinion, no matter how stupid it is.

DmonHiro (uploader)


"Enjoy the show by looking at the bottom of the TV most of the time."
That shows you are a very slow reader then. Most people don’t even consciously look at the subs after a month. The brain simply process them using your peripheral vision. That’s fact. Literally anyone without a medical condition ca do it.

"11 people i know prefer dub over sub,"
Congrats, you know 11 idiots. It’s also irrelevant. I don’t know a single person that prefers English dubs. Not one.

slow reader? you don’t read at all, subs are a preference if dubs are bad, such as the shows I mentioned below.

I don’t mind subs, komi-san, re:zero, nagatoro as an example are unwatchable as dubs

The fact that you are trying to insult without even understanding the comment proves how childish you are ( look who’s talking ), anyway In the following shows Japanese Voice Actors are much better at conveying emotion and there are others of course such as Hentai, but there are plenty of dubs superior such as FMA Brotherhood, Cowboy Bepop, and the rest commented above. You have a preference, nothing wrong with that. Right one more thing, if you show a random person a sub or dub of any show he/she will watch with their Primary language, not a Foreign one.

Oh Right Maybe I am wrong here are a few comparisons, and some might prefer the sub version but if the difference is close to non existent then dub will always be a better choice:




Choose what you like but calling something inferior to others needs a basis and you don’t have a leg to stand on. So what I am trying to say is you were right in the first place your opinion is stupid, Peace out.

lmao, everyone is flogging a dead horse in this thread. thanks for the laughs dmon.

DmonHiro (uploader)


friendevil22, say what you want, but a dub is simply an imitation. Why would any sane person settle for an imitation when they can have the original. It does not make sense.

imitation, copy, mimic, call it trash, it doesn’t change the fact when something is more enjoyable than the other you don’t stick to the original whatever it may be.


Not accurate enough, when you have your hands full, and can’t even look at the screen sometimes, do you just stop watching the thing you love doing? or change it to something you understand? that is another reason. It is a different case if you are still in your 20s single, home alone with no responsibilities. There you go gave you plenty of reasons, I am not saying you should include Dual-Audio, couldn’t care less just stating what you think is inferior to be actually superior in some cases, but if you still don’t understand… well then

DmonHiro (uploader)


" when you have your hands full, and can’t even look at the screen sometimes, do you just stop watching"
Well… yes. What the freaking point of watching anime if you’re so busy you have to multitask 12 things while doing it?
And it doesn’t matter anyway. You’re basically saying “I’m too busy to enjoy something properly, so I have to settle for an inferior version”.
And what? You’re saying that even though you’re too busy to look at the screen, having the audio in English makes it OK? Newsflash! You’re still not watching the anime then, are you?
Don’t give me the “you must have no responsibilities” bullshit. Are you telling me you literally don’t have any free time for yourself? Cause if that’s true, then sucks to be you. But I doubt that’s true. You’re just prioritizing other things.

what is the point of convincing someone so deep in denial, making excuses and calling anime a museum.

Are you telling me you literally don’t have any free time for yourself?

can browse memes while working if you call it free time, but can’t watch shows as much I like, last show watched was… 12 days ago.

Don’t give me the “you must have no responsibilities” bullshit

ok then don’t comment, judging from your behavior and the way you talk online. Why not just say dub is not my preference, would you choke? it’s in your blood stream for peasants not knowing their place right?

Edit: I am not gonna argue anymore because this is very stupid, but will send more memes since it’s what I enjoy.

I’m all in about getting the eng audio out for the sake of saving space,
At best just include some file in a separate folder named Danger and let the player to read the dubbed audio so that whoever don’t want it will just delete these files,
But if possible, keep it out~

On the other hand I have some issues with yellow old fonts when we can change it these days, but I’ve said nothing

he shouldn’t include Eng Audio at all if not using them, he has a point on waste of space ( for him ), you keep what you enjoy, all his releases are subs and no need to change that. Other releases are available Dual-Audio or Dub alone.

DmonHiro (uploader)


" but will send more memes since it’s what I enjoy."
I’m OK with that.

Not accurate enough, when you have your hands full, and can’t even look at the screen sometimes, do you just stop watching the thing you love doing?

Are you actually watching the show, then? Or is it just random background noise?
edit: what dmon said

That last meme doesn’t really work, considering the dub watchers are the ones who ran here to complain, lol. And before you post it, it should have been mentioned so fair game imo

yes, just not every second is me looking at the TV.

DmonHiro (uploader)


Your last two memes have been very disappointing.

The sub / dub war made me lol. That being said, either or is fine. Enjoy what you want to enjoy and that is that. If I am stupid for making the most obvious comment so be it. Ciao.

Димон живи ;)

Some people evidently can’t comprehend that some like watching anime in their native language and others don’t. I’m american and english is my native language-not japanese or spanish, etc. so why wouldn’t I want to watch it dubbed (if it even has been dubbed in english)? If it’s only been subbed, fine-then I don’t have an issue with it. “Better subbed than nothing”.

DmonHiro (uploader)


“I’m american” Yeah, that was obvious. 99% of English dub watchers are Americans, cause they have really poor reading skills.

The sub / dub war made me lol. That being said, either or is fine. Enjoy what you want to enjoy and that is that. If I am stupid for making the most obvious comment so be it. Ciao.

Well said.

99% of English dub watchers are Americans, cause they have really poor reading skills.

Oh wow, careful! you are now in a projection phase. “Again” Watching a TV series in one way or another is a preference. Morals, rights, wrongs, intellect or ethics have no bearing on a person’s choice to watch a dubbed version of anime.

RIP Asians, you are almost as dumb as zrdb for that answer. The Majority of Indians, Canadians, US Citizens prefer it Dub. The Majority of Russians, Dutch, Swedish prefer it subs because obviously dub is not their primary language. Before trying to respond read it carefully ( Majority Part ), not like before. For someone who brags to be a speed reader you don’t even understand basic communication.

DmonHiro (uploader)


Actually, a " speed reader" is usually used to say someone reads fast, but without understanding what he read, so you screwed up that analogy. You meant to say “fast reader”. Also, how can I be in a projection phase? That would mean that I’m projecting my own reading skills onto Americans. But my reading skills are great. Your understanding of the word “projection” isn’t, I’m afraid. And it’s “from that answer” not “for that answer”. It’s not like the Asians gave it. By the way, an “answer” is something that is said after someone asks a questions. You meant to say “that reply”. Wow, you really are bad at this. One last thing: you brag ABOUT something, not TO something.

Individuals who read at pace use a cognitive strategy that focuses on improving their ability to scan blocks of text. Speed readers also have better comprehension and the ability to recall the information they have read. “Google”, no need to cry about it.

Guess you don’t know what that means…

“Psychological projection is a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves, while attributing them to others. For example, a bully may project their own feelings of vulnerability onto the target.” - Wikipedia

DmonHiro (uploader)


But what am I supposed to be projecting though? I’m ragging on people who watch dubs. I think it’s pretty straight-forward.

But what am I supposed to be projecting though? I’m ragging on people who watch dubs. I think it’s pretty straight-forward.

The point of Projecting is what you just commented wanting you to feel like it’s wrong to enjoy dubbed anime, in the same way you’d be made to feel wrong for stealing money from a register. This is something most people don’t notice in most of their hobbies, it isn’t healthy but it is fun while it lasts. ( same is applied to principles but it has no joy )

People who watch dubbed anime mind their own business. Elitists who watch subbed anime MIND YOUR BUSINESS. Truth never minds being questioned. But a lie hates to be challenged. and zrdb has a long way to go to become a decent human being, every post is negative. Either way hoping he gets off his butt someday. Best to reply with thank you or ok, till he changes his behavior or gets banned.

DmonHiro (uploader)


I think I understand what you mean. However, I will never change my mind about how watching dubs of anything means you are consuming an inferior product. To me, dubs are inferior and I will never change my mind about that.

“I’m american” Yeah, that was obvious. 99% of English dub watchers are Americans, cause they have really poor reading skills. Suck my dick asshole. It’s true that a lot of mericans’ are functionally illiterate but don’t lump me in with them, I have a bachelors degree in literature. “But a lie hates to be challenged. and zrdb has a long way to go to become a decent human being, every post is negative. Either way hoping he gets off his butt someday. Best to reply with thank you or ok, till he changes his behavior or gets banned.” You don’t know me at all-for all you know I could be a nasty troll, If I got a reaction out of you then I did what I intended to do.

Thanks for this!!

Dubs will always be poor imitation and sometimes disrespectful to the original work (See Kaguya S3 Dub and others).

There’s a reason why it never ever gets acknowledge on any medium (Radio Drama/CM/Drama Picture/Manga-Anime Creator/Directors etc).

You see the Seiyuu being listed as CV (Character Voice) on promotion materials. That will never ever happen on dubs.


I mean, is anyone in Asia even watching American Dubs? XD

This is coming from someone who became a naturalize legal US citizen last year (2021). Even I know a lot of people have stop going with dubs due to BS changes they make as well as adding unnecessary lines that weren’t in the original script.

What’s with the dub dickrider anyway? Dub are always inferior. American are the most dumbass on this planet.

The only way dubs are inferior is if you’re an idiot-idiot.

What about watching dub with subtitles?

Thanks for the DVD remux Dmon.
@friendevil22 I do that sometimes but only after watching the sub version. The point of it is to see what the dubbers changed to see if it was reasonable or not. Therefore I had to pay attention.

I’m late to the party, but unless you speak and understand Japanese fluently, you have no idea if the Sub version is better, or has better voice acting. So to say the other is inferior is just ignorant. Alternatively, saying Dub is better is just as ignorant, as it’s disrespectful to the source material. And finally, not preserving either is just anti-archivist. The entire purpose of this site, regardless of your personal reasons for using it, is to preserve history, because most studios won’t or can’t. For the same reason things shouldn’t be censored, or that we have a duty to the world and history to uncensor them, even new woke dubs should be preserved because they are a part of history.

I totally agree-let whoever watch whatever and to each their own. Just don’t try to cram your bullshit opinions down everybody else’s throats. Watch what you want and shut the fuck up-please.