[Arche] Black Rock Shooter - Dawn Fall - 02

2022-04-11 01:53
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  • [Arche] Black Rock Shooter - Dawn Fall - 02.zip (63.4 KiB)

OK… these subs are pretty damn good. Well done. And thank you.

It’s okay for the most part but there are still some pretty wonky lines like:

大型の発電所は必ず無人軍隊に嗅ぎつけられる. 電気の確保は生命線だからな.
As for large power plants, the troops always get wind of them, because securing the supply of batteries is their lifeline.

GPSなんて 使えなくなって何年経ったと思ってんだ --> The last time I didn’t use a GPS was probably years ago.
GPSを使わないマップシステムです --> This is a mapping system where the GPS doesn’t work.

“Pretty damn good” and makes those sorts of mistakes? Looks pretty MTL to me. Kids these days…

AFAIK it’s not machine translated, just speed-subbed by somebody with excessive zeal for BRS. That’s the beauty of fansubbing ;)

Should I bother continuing my subs, or are these good enough for everyone? I have some capacity to continue, but not if there’s little reason to.

For the health of discussion. It’s better if we don’t call subs with mistakes “MTL”. Like humans can make mistakes, too. Mistakes worse than machines at times (Remember Dynazenon when “Miira”, was translated as mirror instead of mummy by Funimation, messing up the reference to the original toku Gridman?). So, person rushing and making mistakes =/= MTL.

@Anonyneko yours flows a lot better. This one is kind of stiff and way literal, then again I’ve heard that the translator has N5 proficiency, maybe that’s the reason.



nomakewan is above making mistakes. They’re a flawless human being, and we should all look to them as the embodiment of what makes a good translator.

@Anonyneko Please do continue. It’s just as @EcchiNyaa says…

nomakewan, I said they were pretty good, not perfect. These are definitely not MTL though.

please make timing for TV Raws

@Guncannon just a thought, but it isn’t better suggesting fixes than just pointing mistakes?
anyway, pretty sure the @nomakewan comment was just a joke attempt and you guys took it to heart
good episode, good translation
had to retime with ohys because… raw in description?

Which release are they timed to?

The webrip. Incidentally, it’s of much better quality than the TV raws, but for some reason those are still more popular.

There are 2 raws. Not hard to download the other one if the one you got doesn’t work

it doesn’t seem like machine TL but it sure doesn’t read like anything remotely natural. and the first example is missing some detail too. consider these translations instead.

大型の発電所は必ず無人軍隊に嗅ぎつけられる. 電気の確保は生命線だからな.

The drones (robots? i haven’t actually watched the anime but i assume 無人軍隊 is some specific term from it) always sniff out the big power plants. That’s why securing electricity is a matter of life and death for us.

GPSなんて 使えなくなって何年経ったと思ってんだ

I can’t remember the last time the GPS didn’t work.


this one is too hard to translate without context but “mapping system” isn’t natural english so their TL could definitely be vastly improved.

To add some contextual details from the episode:


That だから actually relates to a previous context (batteries became currency, as having electricity is a matter of life and death and big power plants are targeted by drones)

GPSなんて 使えなくなって何年経ったと思ってんだ

Rather, this is along the lines of “You do realize GPS became unusable years ago?” (this is easier to understand in the episode context, as a character flaunts her DIY navigation system)


“It’s a navigation system that doesn’t use GPS”, she retorts

@bassgs435 Sure, humans do make mistakes. But there are certain mistakes that stand out, and those mistakes tend to be ones where the English output doesn’t make sense. Mistakes where someone who speaks English would not create that output in the first place. This has especially been a problem in the last few years during the pandemic, where suddenly people decided they were going to start “translating” without the necessary skill.

@len: Thanks! Much appreciated.

@DmonHiro: You said that the subs were, and I quote, “pretty damn good.” That word in the middle is a modifier that increases the “goodness” level of the phrase.

@awface: It was not a joke. I’m just sick and tired of “translators” popping up out of the woodwork and not having the self-respect, respect for the work, and respect for the audience enough to realize that maybe, just maybe, they should leave things well enough alone if they don’t have a firm enough grasp of the work/context/source language/target language.

I actually disagree with herkz’s translations, so here are mine. Please note that I have not actually watched the episodes so specific nouns may not be correct (for instance, as herkz points out, I’m going to use ‘drones’ but if BRS has a universe-specific term then use that instead).

GPSなんて 使えなくなって何年経ったと思ってんだ
How long do you think it’s been since GPS stopped working?

This is a map system that doesn’t rely on GPS. (Or alternatively, “This is a way of navigating without using GPS.”)

大型の発電所は必ず無人軍隊に嗅ぎつけられる. 電気の確保は生命線だからな.
The drone squads always figure out where the large power plants are. After all, securing a stable source of electricity is literally life itself (for them/for us depending on context).

EDIT: Dang, beat to the punch by Anonyneko with actual context from the episode. Definitely go with theirs instead. In fact, just let Anonyneko translate BRS instead.

Still, my point remains there are other options besides “MTL” as the cause to “failures in the translated script”. Like, as you say, people doing it without the necessary qualifications or skill levels. Maybe the translator is ESL. Regardless, generalizing as “MTL” feels wrong and just makes one side look like jerks looking to impose their way by labelling what they don’t like as “MTL”

“What I don’t like” is objectively incorrect translations. How did you get something so very wrong? Well, either you don’t know Japanese, you don’t know English, or both. If you don’t know Japanese, it’s MTL. If you don’t know English, it’s ESL. If you don’t know both, well, you know the rest.

I don’t deny being a jerk, though. I’ve definitely ruffled plenty of feathers.

I think many people would much rather watch a faster release that may contain inaccuracies here and there rather than wait a week for some unreliable ESL subber (especially since official subs are guaranteed to come out within a few months). I was a viewer like that myself, in the long forgotten age of legendary groups like Hadena, so I can relate.

I’m chipping away at the script for now, just in case, but, illustrating the point about speed and reliability, got a couple of busy days so I only have OP/ED and like 10% of the text done so far. 世の中、世知辛いのじゃ.

(…to be fair, MTL is specifically machine translation, not just any translation of debatable quality, though the term does tend to get thrown around as a general insult)

“if you are good enough to find errors in subtitles then you should consider two things:
why do you need subs and the most importantly, why aren’t you the translator?”
@nomakewan i think exactly the opposite way you do, this isn’t a lack of respect matter and it isn’t even close to a bad translation reference
there’s no doubt everyone here knows japanese at a certain level, hence what a pointless discussion

So… Disney+ licensed this right? Did they even watch it first. Cause this does not scream Disney+ to me.

Being bad at understanding Japanese doesn’t equate to using machine translations. Other than that, I agree with your points. And I think people should stop watching shitty speedsubs because those are better than nothing. Also, worth noting that official subs can be worse than fansubs and even speedsubs.

But, to be fair, most people don’t understand what they are doing, let alone watching it here. I guarantee you most of the actual watchers of this are coming from some streaming poopy site that reuploads this stuff there. I don’t think most people here know Japanese well enough to understand what you are saying either.

All in all, the consumers are retarded, lazy, and unknowledgeable. Welcome to Hell.

Incorrect subtitles are not “better than nothing.” They distort the original intent for people who otherwise have no way of knowing any better. That’s the entire problem, this “something is better than nothing” mindset. It’s not true.

@awface: Because I like being lazy, and because I like watching shows with friends who don’t understand Japanese. But after seeing this, of course I’m watching it raw. Why am I not translating it myself? Because I have other projects already, and it looks like Anonyneko will do fine (even if they’re slow; understandable for a one-man band). In any event, you don’t know what you’re talking about. “Everyone here knows Japanese at a certain level” is failing to understand the requirements of translation. You need a firm grasp of the source language in order to determine the intent of what’s being expressed. You need a firm understanding of the target language in order to create correct output. And you need an understanding of your audience so that you know how to correctly translate the intent of the source phrase into something your target audience will understand. If you lack these qualities, you should not be translating anything.

@Anonyneko & @Interruptor: I am aware that MTL is “machine translation.” If someone doesn’t have a firm (or any) understanding of Japanese, that’s how they’re going to be “translating” it. So my point stands; if you don’t know Japanese, it’s MTL.

So do I keep waiting for better subs or what?

after reading this i’m gonna delete my queen’s blade unlimited release since i lack the qualities (even if it’s the only translation here)
forgive me lord for my sin, i sware to never translate again and hunt down the sinners trying to translate without the lord’s blessing
@DmonHiro the guess is it will be aired on star+

@random_guy That would be my recommendation if you need subs, yes.

@awface: Sweet, I appreciate the honest self-reflection, thank you. Understanding and accepting your limitations is the first step towards getting away from Dunning-Kruger. Keep up your studies, and surely one day you too will be a competent translator. Hopefully someday Queen’s Blade Unlimited will have proper subtitles. Peace!

Sometimes I forget how context-dependent Japanese is but Anonyneko and nomakewan pretty much got it right.

Knock it off, honest mistakes aren’t MTL. This site has warped your brain.

I just question how someone that gets pedantic about translation errors doesn’t understand that “Machine Translations” are not the same as “Human Translations with mistakes”.

It shouldn’t be that hard to understand, really. Makes me question if he even is that good in English, to begin with.


Incorrect subtitles are not “better than nothing.”

Yes they are. If you don’t speak Japanese, whatever translations you will come up with in your head while watching this show raw will almost certainly be worse than any MTL/N5 translation.

qb unlimited was dropped by the own production staff, it’s fucking hilarious when someone talks about proper subtitles for anime that doesn’t even deserve one
even the bible has mistranslations but otome dori must be perfect translated so it’s complex plot can be truly enjoyed

@Guncannon: That’s my entire point; there is a difference between “honest mistakes” and “this is a mistake that someone who speaks Japanese wouldn’t make.” The latter happens because someone asked a machine, and the machine–being unable to interpret a context-based language correctly–gave them incorrect output and they went with it.

@ts92: If you don’t speak Japanese, then you watch “English” subtitles from someone else who doesn’t speak Japanese, all you’ll get is a false sense of understanding. It’s not real. That’s why it’s not better than nothing.

@awface: It’s called “sarcasm,” my dude. I could not care any less about QB. I am however legitimately happy if anyone who released poor quality “translations” deletes all of them off the internet forever, either out of honest introspection or pure rage. Either way, the world will be better for it.

who knew BRS fans were so passionate about shitsubs and speedsubs

a translation with mistakes is 100% better the nothing though for anime, a low level translation at least gives the audience a basic idea of what the author is trying to convey. Some meaning might be lost, but it helps fill in the gaps enough for a lot of viewers to make sense of what is going on, at the very least to a higher level then a non-jp speaker would get without subs.
Usually even with a bad subtitling job, if your used to listening to characters in anime, you can fill in a lot of gaps just from the way the seiyuu’s say the lines and context from previous lines and episodes to understand most of whats going on.

I would fully understand complaining if this was speedsubs someone was rushing out to beat crunchyroll by an hour (which we saw a lot of for AOT S4P2,) but considering this show currently has no scheduled official translation coming out, and a severe lack of people willing to fansub it, I’m more then happy with someone like Arche helping out the community for this show by providing us with an alright release to hold us over until the official subs or fansubs from other groups come out who knows when. Everyone has to start somewhere.

The show has been acquired by disney+ so an official translation will come out in the next few weeks/months. Other than that, I hard disagree, in the sense that a bad translation shouldn’t be put out, to begin with. That being said, these speedsubs might be decent enough. After all, this show is quite shit anyway.