All thanks go to the original uploader!
Description from the original upload:
Here’s a treat, the A.D. Vision dub of Evangelion airing on SBS between January and March 1999. SBS aired 2 episodes a night back to back but the person who recorded sometimes paused recording in between. If a file has 2 episodes in one, that means a promo break was left in between episodes. Single episodes have no SBS Ephemera outside of the dulcet tones of Robbie McGregor over the end credits (Although some episodes cut off the credits or he doesn’t pipe up) and SBS ratings appearing on credits/during the beginning of the episode (Some episodes only get a “G” rating!) and are included for completeness sake, and that VHS a e s t h e t i c.
Episodes 3 and 4 have bad sound. In fact it looks like they dubbed it from another tape. I tried multiple VCRs, nothing improved the sound. I’ve bumped up the volume a bit.
After episode 10 is another promo break followed by an incomplete Des Mangan Cult Movie intro for “Armor of God”
Episode 14 has an incomplete promo break afterwards before they just pause it and wait for episode 15.
After episode 18 is another promo break followed by an incomplete Des Mangan Cult Movie intro for “Tampopo”
PAL SP VHS Recordings.
Comments - 3
Nice. Thanks for the upload
This is a nice piece of preservation, thanks for the upload!