Horrible last episode, actually hideous. Now I understand why he didn’t get a publisher in 41 years. What a shame since it has godly backgrounds and pretty good animation (especially in the first half). Another mediocre series that probably doesn’t deserve to be watched. Compilations on sakugabooru will sadly suffice.
As expected, it was a terrible ending.
It was just one of those endings where the characters are talking about things that they’re not supposed to be talking about because they absolutely don’t explain everything that’s happened in the show.
For example, they’re talking about things like osuama’s power, the nature of the world and what it really looks like, how the creatures are being created, etc.
And yet, they never explain any of it. They just gloss over it and hint at it as if it’s supposed to be clear to us by now.
It’s just frustrating because the show had so much potential, but it wasted it all with a terrible ending.
I agree with you, there are a few good reviews on MAL (I gave this show a 5 out of 10, begrudgingly since it had such a good first half) on the front page. Basically, all of those who gave a 5 are good enough and encapsulate most of my problems with the show.
It goes to show that, and this has been my firm belief for a while, Japanese writers are really bad at continuing a good incipit. There are a lot of good ideas thrown around, but they can’t for the life of them follow with a good, coherent, and engaging development.
Overall, since I mostly stopped watching anime, it feels unfortunate that one of these legitimately promising series ends up being such a trainwreck.
It was obvious to me since the manga isn’t finished, but I guess most people can’t get used to that. Anime/Manga (manga especially) take many many years to be finished. This is the reason why I mostly read manga and mostly completed series. Ousama Ranking has a lot of potential and it showed how great it can be. I’ll be patiently waiting for the continuation of Bojji’s story.
Comments - 19
thanks for everything
holy speed. thanks so much for the work
great show, was a fun run.
the cover of this title will surely mislead people to not watch it :|
Thank you
Horrible last episode, actually hideous. Now I understand why he didn’t get a publisher in 41 years. What a shame since it has godly backgrounds and pretty good animation (especially in the first half). Another mediocre series that probably doesn’t deserve to be watched. Compilations on sakugabooru will sadly suffice.
Thanks for the releases, Shangz.
Thank you!
What a ride! Thanks a lot.
As expected, it was a terrible ending.
It was just one of those endings where the characters are talking about things that they’re not supposed to be talking about because they absolutely don’t explain everything that’s happened in the show.
For example, they’re talking about things like osuama’s power, the nature of the world and what it really looks like, how the creatures are being created, etc.
And yet, they never explain any of it. They just gloss over it and hint at it as if it’s supposed to be clear to us by now.
It’s just frustrating because the show had so much potential, but it wasted it all with a terrible ending.
I agree with you, there are a few good reviews on MAL (I gave this show a 5 out of 10, begrudgingly since it had such a good first half) on the front page. Basically, all of those who gave a 5 are good enough and encapsulate most of my problems with the show.
It goes to show that, and this has been my firm belief for a while, Japanese writers are really bad at continuing a good incipit. There are a lot of good ideas thrown around, but they can’t for the life of them follow with a good, coherent, and engaging development.
Overall, since I mostly stopped watching anime, it feels unfortunate that one of these legitimately promising series ends up being such a trainwreck.
Thank you!
It was obvious to me since the manga isn’t finished, but I guess most people can’t get used to that. Anime/Manga (manga especially) take many many years to be finished. This is the reason why I mostly read manga and mostly completed series. Ousama Ranking has a lot of potential and it showed how great it can be. I’ll be patiently waiting for the continuation of Bojji’s story.
Do you plan on doing a batch?
Screw all of you, love the ending and the resolution to Mirange. Most of you didn’t even get the ideas the show was going for.
@DmonHiro - Totally agree with you! The show wasn’t perfect, but the ending was good. 8/10 for me.
Will you be doing the next season coming out in April? \(@^0^@)/