Title: Shuumatsu no Harem (World’s End Harem) Uncensored Complete Season 1 - Episode 1 - 11 [Batch]
Head to my Discord to vote for the shows I’ll be covering next season!
I’ve only gone and translated the (Karaoke) Lyrics for the OP & ED (I’m still the only one that’s done this so far)
(Please do credit & link back if you use the OP & ED as ever as it takes alot of work, otherwise I’ll just stop doing it…and of course a link back to the original will make me a happy little chap!)
ATX x265 1080p
AAC 2.0 @ 48kb/s
Source: ATX RIP
Subs: (Anime Chap) Re-Edited Official Crunchroll Subs (Re-Styled, Re-Timed, OP & ED Lyrics Added, Timed & Translated by me! & some Minor Fixes)
Chapters: (Anime Chap) Original Chapters
Note 1: These subs should work with most releases of the uncensored version of Shuumatsu no Harem (World’s End Harem) you can find!
Note 2: This torrent contains every single Episode (1 - 11) of the uncensored version of Shuumatsu no Harem (World’s End Harem). I’ll also make any changes that anyone points out and either pop them onto Mega or at the end of the Season I’ll include all updates in the Batch, so don’t forget to comment any mistakes/corrections down bellow, thankyou. If you wanted just the Sub files head over to my Discord and there is the .mks file
P.S: I’m seeding pretty much 24/7 but if there are no seeders, drop a comment bellow or shoot me a message in my [Discord](https://discord
Comments - 10
Oh! I absolutely HATE when you (or anyone) does this! I’ve been faithfully downloading individual episodes as they come out and then, when the last one comes out, not only are the ones I’ve been seeding gone, but the last one is only available as the batch! That totally screws up my listings in my Client and how I organize my files.
I tend to agree with this. First time I’ve seen all the singles deleted tho. Was there really a point to that? Post the last episode and THEN post the batch, you heathen.
Episode 11 has an incorrect honorific at 19:08, the sub has Hino-chan but you can clearly hear Hino-san being said.
Also, a number of the episodes have an erroneous character, where there is supposed to be a dash in the subs where someone is cut off while talking, instead an ó appears (an o with an accent above it). Here are some links to a few screenshots to show what I mean:
I have tested this with mpv and mpc-hc, both show the same results.
AnimeChap (uploader)
I did post the Final Episode individually - It was up for a good while and I stated in the description it wouldn’t be up for long. I don’t have great bandwidth and cannot afford a seedbox so unless more people continue to seed past the first few days this will have to be what I do.
AnimeChap (uploader)
@SparkyKestrel Cheers, I’ll fix this in the BluRay
@AnimeChap make sure to include all required font attachments required for the subs on all episodes as well please (majority of the episodes in this batch are lacking some required fonts in the attachments)
Took me awhile to figure out why the karaoke wasn’t displaying properly in specific episodes for the OP ED and other things
The fonts are the following (if anyone else has a similar issue like me):
Xan W90 Regular.ttf
These font’s aren’t all on every episode but the .ass file calls for them on every episode just so people are aware.
In any case, appreciate the batch and hope to see a patch/v2 when you do the BluRay.
This is just the regular uncensored not the Super harem version right?
AnimeChap (uploader)
@Sinnx3 They should be attached to them all…they were for the individual releases and I used these as a basis… But yeah I’ll double check for the BluRay
@Muxed Yeah just regular as there the Super Harem is only on the BD
Do these have uncensored audio too or is it just visual?
also episode 7 is missing a line of subtitles in the very beginning