I am sowwy abouwt the v2 my niggew fwiends, i muxed in the wwong vhs audiuo fiwe but i have fixed thiws
My deew bwessed fwiends, i hope u enjoy this wemuwx of the usa bd of vampiwe huwntew d. In addition to the wondewfuww owiginaw japanese souwnd twack and the fuwcking howse shit 2015 weduwb that was pw
oduwced by the cock whowe of satan hewsewf i have incwuwded the owiginaw stweamwine duwb of the movie. Taken wight fwom a wetwo vhs tape, captuwwed by mysewf berry sowwy thew twape nowt in perfwect conditwion, so u wiww get to expewience the duwb in its owiginaw hi-fi gwowy! OwO ! OwO
In addition the stweamwine duwb dvd auwdio, a 5.1 wemix awbiet a pwetty fuwckin meh wemix that i wouwwdnt wisten to mysewf, is incwuwded fow those of u who awe auwtistic enouwgh to awways need the highest nuwmbew of souwnd channews when watching a movie.
No 3wd wowwd buwwwshit wanguwages have been incwuwded, onwy the two wanguwages that actuwawwy mattew on eawth. if u want to sync uw shit howe auwdio uwsewf howevew pwease feew fwee
Comments - 4
Bwased my deaw fwiend
Meow whis isith what I was waiting right MEOW for~
Can you please upload the rest of robotech?