Title: Golden Douga Gekijou [Golden Kamuy Short Anime] (Season 2) - Complete Episodes 13 - 23
_**[Season 1: Out Now](https://nyaa.si/view/1456937)**_
_**Season 3: Coming Soon**_
_**[Golden Kamuy OVA 4 - Shiton Animal Chronicles](https://nyaa.si/view/1474350)**_
BD 1080p
Source: Official BluRay Release
Subs: (Anime Chap) Subs (Styled, Edited Typesettings, Titles Added, Minor Fixes)
- Synopsis: Short anime series of Golden Kamuy streamed on the official website.
### Support Me: https://ko-fi.com/animechap
![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/885311036427755570/928667857733161101/unknown.png)
Note 1: These subs should work with pretty much any release of Golden Douga Gekijou you can find!
![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/885311036427755570/928667752032510022/unknown.png)
Note 2: This torrent contains every episode of the Golden Kamuy Mini Anime, make sure to check out my other releases too (which will have Season 3 Coming Out Soon!). I’ll also make any changes that anyone points out and either pop them onto Mega or if there are enough changes I'll do a V2 so don’t forget to comment any mistakes/corrections down bellow, thankyou. I’ve encoded the subs into the video files but if you wanted just the Sub files head over to my Discord and there is a Zip file in there!
*Join the Anime Chap discord for early releases! I upload the individual sub files as soon as I finish editing them so join my server for those sweet, sweet early sub file releases - https://discord.gg/wWSKTRQvXa*
![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/885311036427755570/928667653059538954/unknown.png)
P.S: I’ll seed myself as-and-when I can but I need as much bandwidth as I can for my job so it won’t be 24/7 - If there are no seeders or you want me to seed, drop a comment bellow and I’ll start seeding again - Or join my Discord and shoot a message over and I’ll seed or upload to Mega!!!
@peachflavored It's got plenty of Seeders at the moment so it won't take long to download at all - My Mega is full of Audiobooks at the moment
@NodMan Hinna...Hinna
Comments - 6
AnimeChap (uploader)