used [UCCUSS ]( as video. [WBDP]( used too much denoise / sharpening. comparisons [here.](
Subs are from [Tenrai-sensei]( (Restyled to match DDY's releases for the series and the movie, and Romanji lines for the ED.)
And as usual. OST from [Moozzi2.]( cope harder
This should be a temporarily good release until DDY releases the 2nd movie if they ever do it.
UCCUSS also has a tendency to add extremely strong grain to all of their encodes; I wouldn't be surprised if the raw BDMV also looked denoised compared to their encode, because it certainly looks that way for at least one other series--
Not that my opinion here actually matters, since I'm just here to make nitpicky comments about video. laissez-faire, I suppose.
Comments - 7
Campyfire (uploader)
Campyfire (uploader)