[Arid] She and Her Cat: Their Standing Points [BDRip 768x576 Hi10 AC-3] | Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko

2021-12-28 04:43 UTC
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158.5 MiB
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Let's try this again: Video + Audio: [[Yurasyk]][1] Subtitles: [[Commie]][2] Signs/dialogue were re-timed and signs tracked where necessary. [MediaInfo][3] [1]:https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3957476 [2]:https://nyaa.si/view/791547 [3]:https://pastebin.com/raw/CT6fnfDv

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  • [Arid] She and Her Cat (BDRip 576p Hi10 AC-3) [906711A6].mkv (158.5 MiB)
She and her pussy v2
yurasyk is the wrong fps too. in fact, i'm pretty sure my encode is the only one that's the right fps (15000/1001). basically you can't make a better release unless you do your own encode.
also >Original frame rate: 25.000 FPS u wot m8

Arid0914 (uploader)

still re-timed subtitles to account for that (unlike the one on AB) at the end of the day, this will do also the only reason I even did this is that I watched this on youtube because I didn't find it on nyaa cuz I searched the wrong thing
i literally do not see the point to an objectively worse release. please enlighten me.

Arid0914 (uploader)

this wouldn't be the first time I've uploaded redundant stuff (bunny girl senpai for example), sure there may be no point but sometimes this just happens and at this point, I have no interest in deleting it a second time especially when I've spent 10 minutes of my life putting this together that I'll never get back
There was a Beatrice encode I think: https://nyaa.si/view/1163819 Also herkz where is your release? Can't seem to find it
the line between based and cringe is a very thin one

Arid0914 (uploader)

that was the newer one this is the older one and it's linked in the description
smh can't even read and expects me to spoonfeed
>smh can’t even read and expects me to spoonfeed herkz being himeself. oof. Sorry I disturbed you while you were watching BL anime.
Only pussy could cause this much trouble between bros.
Are you in pal region or something? Is that why that fps was used? If it was kept it at the 29.970 fps as Yurasyk had it you would of been fine dude honestly. Even 23.976 fps would be acceptable. Anyways, I really would like to know how 15.000 fps is "correct" when bdmv specification is strict on what it allows with progressive and interlace videos at 1920 x 1080. So was it marked in a different resolution or something? If not then this should be amusing to read. As amusing as the time I read the insistent justification of somebody's release being fps at 60 fps progressive as "correct" when it was encoded from a blu-ray stating its 29.970 fps interlace. There's no rules on fps but saying a fps is wrong when your encode is as equally bizarre is saying something.
noZA: Consider doing the slightest bit of research about framerates, telecine, and interlacing before spouting nonsensical garbage in the comments.
Don't skip the part where I asked if the blu-ray was labeled differently. Do provide if the source is at either 4:4 or 3:4:4:4 pulldown (or something else) otherwise maybe you should take your own advice. Just to note this is from a BDMV not a DVD. Although rare but I've found stupid pulldowns on BD-SD releases I have then on 1920 x 1080. The 60 fps one I mentioned was very amusing seeing as I too had the blu-ray, so I definitively knew the person was making shit up while mocking another teams release. As from what I see this is being done again on this guy's release.
OK, ill explain why your post is stupid then: > If it was kept it at the 29.970 fps as Yurasyk had it you would of been fine No it wouldn't have, half of the frames are duplicates (you would see this yourself if you werent a lazy fuck and downloaded it) > Even 23.976 fps would be acceptable. Once again, no, decimating the 30p video to 24p would be deleting random frames and leave you with the wrong framerate Decimating to 15p, then duplicating to 24p wouldn't be good either, since 15 does not go into 24 evenly and would result in judder. > Anyways, I really would like to know how 15.000 fps is “correct” when bdmv specification is strict on what it allows with progressive and interlace videos at 1920 x 1080 Fun fact: You can telecine, interlace, or duplicate frames to make anything you want fit BD spec, this shit isnt rocket science. > As amusing as the time I read the insistent justification of somebody’s release being fps at 60 fps progressive as “correct” when it was encoded from a blu-ray stating its 29.970 fps interlace 29.970 interlaced is storing two half height frames ("fields") as one woven together frame, when you deinterlace you take both half-height fields and turn them into two full-height frames, As such, you are left with double the framerate of the original. This means that 60fps is correct. TL;DR: You're a retard and should never comment again.
im twelve and what is this
Smh the toxicity on this website. Wonder where it comes from….
How sad. You have a severe lack of reading comprehension I asked for proof and if it was labeled differently to conclude the justification to it being encoded to 15.000 fps. Nobody but your dumb ass-self talked about how one got to 15.000 fps nor the filtering method. The source most likely would be labeled MBAFF TFF 29.970 interlace which can introduce both progressive and or interlace frames. The chances it can be mixed with both is low, so more likely what I wrote before might be on the mark. When I wrote BD specification I'm talking about the real spec as in how BDMV are produced whether officially or not. You must be slow or not only deranged but also proud af to think I was ever referring to non-blu-ray compliant specs. Learn how to read and comprehend what you read next time you stupid child. Something you should of learned in grade school. >29.970 interlaced is storing two half height frames (“fields”) as one woven together frame, when you deinterlace you take both half-height fields and turn them into two full-height frames, As such, you are left with double the framerate of the original. This means that 60fps is correct. Oh boy. A 29.970 fps true interlace source cannot create a progressive 60 fps (59.940) video. To produce 60 fps (not 60i) you have to ADD frames (interpolation) that did not exist in the source therefore cannot be claimed to be correct. Seriously wow. If somebody wants to do that that's fine since it's not against the rules just as it's not against the rules to encode a DVD video at 864 x 480.
I trust what noZA_ has to say on framerate
noZA_ will encode
What the fuck are you talking about? Spouting the same points after I just explained they were completely bullshit? Sounds like you are the one with a severe lack of reading comprehension. It's really amazing how someone can be completely wrong about literally everything but still try to push their nonsense on others. Once again, I suggest doing even the smallest amount of research into the topics you're sperging about.
> Something you should of learned in grade school. Should have*
thank you vodes for TV compatible release
>Anyways, I really would like to know how 15.000 fps is “correct” when bdmv specification is strict on what it allows with progressive and interlace videos at 1920 x 1080. So was it marked in a different resolution or something? the BD is 30000/1001 fps. however, this is an old, amateur animation from 1999, so it was actually made at 15000/1001 fps. so basically to encode it for the BD release, they just duplicated every frame (and then when i encoded it, i just used SelectEven() to restore the original framerate). i hope that answers your questions.
noza, please stop. You're scaring the kids.
bruh all this for a cat

Arid0914 (uploader)

that's what I'm saying
^ Neko's are serious business. >the BD is 30000/1001 fps. however, this is an old, amateur animation from 1999, so it was actually made at 15000/1001 fps. so basically to encode it for the BD release, they just duplicated every frame (and then when i encoded it, i just used SelectEven() to restore the original framerate). i hope that answers your questions. I can't dispute what I don't have. ___ @Aergia How you came to the conclusion that my words are being pushed on anybody is delusional af. My words don't even criticize anybody. I simply challenged what was said and to provide proof to the reasoning on why that action was taken. I then brought up a matter that seemed similar from the past. You're just dumb af who has a reading comprehension issue. Control your delusions boy. You took it upon yourself to showcase your proud and arrogant attitude where in I asked for proof. I speculated much on this or that on how it may of been labeled. You replied back projecting I needed an explanation on methods to obtains a 15.000 fps and beyond even after I talked about some telecine terminology as if I know nothing before your stupid rant. Clearly you don't got the source to challenge my question and replied back merely because you're a proud piece of shit loser. Next time actually read and understand what you read or just stfu. You'll be more wiser if you do the latter.
Yurasyk should be better than any encodes by Commie or Beatrice. He's by far the best encoder around.