Episodes 1 and 2 are 200mb. Episodes 3 and onwards are 1GB.
All subs are from [anon].
An error on my behalf led to episodes 7 and 9 not being included in the torrent, so here is a DDL link for those episodes: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZxT5euwaz_PG6hiMTAsbjB0HI8H1jvTu
Comments - 2
where are episodes 7 and 9?
also, anon said he was working on an updated subtitle batch, so you could use those in a v2
phantomshadow07 (uploader)
my bad, for some reason when i downloaded from google drive it didnt download episodes 7 and 9. Here’s a google drive link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZxT5euwaz_PG6hiMTAsbjB0HI8H1jvTu?usp=sharing