Title: ∀rkadia Яesurrection
Circle: sakuzyo.com
Event: M3 秋 (2021/10/31)
Web: http://sakuzyo.com/AR/
01 幻想郷顕現 [Яesurrection]
02 森羅万象 [The Universe]
03 戦戦兢兢 [Panic Panic]
04 奇々怪々 [Everyone doesn’t know]
05 唯我独尊 [I’m the only one]
06 栄枯盛衰 [Rise and Fall]
07 諸行無常 [All is vanity]
08 明鏡止水 [Clear the mind]
09 天上天下 [The Whole World]
Remember to buy music you like to support the artists.
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